我对我正在创建的 OOP PHP 代码有几个疑问。它(到目前为止)用于检索在线存储的不同语言的标题和多个章节。但首先我将展示代码,因为我的疑问涉及到这一点。这是我目前正在使用的课程:

// Requires PHP 5.4+
class Subject
  private $DB;
  private $Language;
  private $Keyword;

  public function __construct($DB, $Keyword, $Language)

  private function query($query, $arg)
    $STH = $this->DB->prepare($query);
    $STH->execute(array_merge((array)$this->Keyword, (array)$arg));
    return $STH->fetch()[$this->Language];  // PHP 5.4+

  public function retrieveTitle ()
    return $this->query("SELECT * FROM subject WHERE keyword = ? ORDER BY date DESC LIMIT 1");

  public function retrieveChapter ($arg)
    return $this->query("SELECT * FROM chapters WHERE subject_keyword = ? AND type = ? ORDER BY date DESC LIMIT 1", $arg);


if (isset($_GET['a']))
  $Subject=new Subject($DB, $_GET['a'], $User->get('language'));

  if ($Subject->retrieveTitle())
    echo '<h1 id="Title">'.$Subject->retrieveTitle().'</h1>';

    // Index
    if ($Subject->retrieveTitle())
      // ... code for the index

    // Introduction
    if ($Subject->retrieveChapter('Introduction'))
      echo '<h2 id="Introduction">' . $_('Introduction') . '</h2>' . $Subject->retrieveChapter('Introduction');

    // ... more non-relevant code.
  // ... whatever


// Requires PHP 5.4+
class Subject
  public $Title;
  public $Chapters = array ();

  public function __construct($DB, $Keyword, $Language)
    // Retrieve all
    $STH = $DB->prepare("SELECT * FROM subject WHERE keyword = ? ORDER BY date DESC LIMIT 1");
    $this->Title = $STH->fetch()[$Language];  // PHP 5.4+

    // Retrieve chapters
    $ToForeach = ('Introduction','History','1');
    $STH = $DB->prepare("SELECT * FROM chapters WHERE subject_keyword = ? AND type = ? ORDER BY date DESC LIMIT 1");
    foreach ($ToForeach as $part)
      $STH->execute(array($Keyword, $part));
      $this->Chapters = $STH->fetch()[$Language];

然后直接访问属性(或者甚至在中间构建一些 get() ,但你明白了)。




也欢迎任何进一步的建议,特别是关于编码最佳实践 [我可能没有遵循] 的建议!


1 回答 1



class Subject
     * @var ParametrizedQueryFetchQueryFactory
    private $queryFactory;

    public function __construct($DB, $Keyword, $Language) {

        $this->queryFactory = new ParametrizedQueryFetchQueryFactory($DB, $Language, [$Keyword]);

    private function query($query, array $args = array()) {
        return $this->queryFactory->query($query, $args);

    public function retrieveTitle() {

        return $this->query("SELECT * FROM subject WHERE keyword = ? ORDER BY DATE DESC LIMIT 1");

    public function retrieveChapter($part) {
        return $this->query(
            "SELECT * FROM chapters WHERE subject_keyword = ? AND TYPE = ? ORDER BY DATE DESC LIMIT 1",

class ParametrizedQueryFetchQueryFactory
    private $db, $returnIndex, $defaultArgs;

    public function __construct($db, $returnIndex, array $defaultArgs = array()) {
        $this->db = $db;
        $this->returnIndex = $returnIndex;
        $this->defaultArgs = $defaultArgs;

    public function query($query, array $args = array()) {
        $fetcher = new ParametrizedQueryFetch($this->db,$query, $this->returnIndex, $this->defaultArgs);
        return $fetcher->execute($args);

class ParametrizedQueryFetch
    private $db, $query, $returnIndex, $defaultArgs;
    public function __construct($db, $query, $returnIndex, array $defaultArgs = array()) {
        $this->db = $db;
        $this->query = $query;
        $this->returnIndex = $returnIndex;
        $this->defaultArgs = $defaultArgs;

    public function execute(array $args) {
        $args = array_merge($this->defaultArgs, $args);
        $stmt = $this->db->prepare($this->query);
        return $stmt->fetch()[$this->returnIndex];

顺便说一句,为了使这个 PHP 5.3 兼容,您只需要在此处更改一行。

于 2013-01-05T22:41:36.467 回答