Dim q = New SolrQueryByField("tag", keyword) With {.Quoted = False} Or New SolrQueryByField("cat", keyword) With {.Quoted = False} Or New SolrQueryByField("shortname", keyword) With {.Quoted = False}
Dim loc As New Location(latitude, longitude)
Dim qgeo = New SolrQueryByDistance("geo", loc, 10)
searchresults = solr.Query(q And qgeo).Cast(Of BusinessSolr)().ToList
Value of type 'SolrNet.SolrQueryByDistance' cannot be converted to 'SolrNet.AbstractSolrQuery'.
(q 和 qgeo)
任何想法,关于如何将 fieldquery 与 distance 结合起来?如果可能在 VB.NET 中。很多
顺便说一句:我使用 Solr 4,SolrNet 实际版本