无法与 Git 合并
我下载了一个 git repo 做了一些更改(删除了一些文件),然后提交了它。然后我做了 git checkout -b "new branch"。在这里我没有删除文件,但我做了一些更改并提交了它。现在我回到我的主分支并尝试做一个 git merge new_branch_i_created 但它说:
fatal: 'merge' is not possible because you have unmerged files.
Please, fix them up in the work tree, and then use 'git add/rm <file>' as
appropriate to mark resolution and make a commit, or use 'git commit -a'.
GDCatalog/.classpath: needs merge
GDCatalog/src/com/cyrilmottier/android/gdcatalog/CatalogActivity.java: needs merge
GDCatalog/src/com/cyrilmottier/android/gdcatalog/PagedViewActivity.java: needs merge
GreenDroid-GoogleAPIs/.classpath: needs merge
GreenDroid/.classpath: needs merge
GreenDroid/src/greendroid/widget/PagedView.java: needs merge
error: you need to resolve your current index first