On Emacs, Italian keyboard, I'd like the alphanumeric keys above the alphabet (1/!, 2/", 3/£, 4/$, ...) to insert the shifted character (e.g. ! " £ $) when pressed alone. Is there a way to do that?
209 次
3 回答
For each number/char pair, you'll need to install two key bindings to swap them, and a third one to avoid messing up the keypad (since the kp-0-kp-9 keys are translated to 0-9, but I guess you don't want kp-1 to insert !
Here is a macro to avoid creating all those key bindings by hand:
(defmacro swap-keys (list)
(lambda (keys)
(let ((key1 (car keys))
(key2 (cdr keys)))
(global-set-key ,key1 (lambda () (interactive) (insert ,key2)))
(global-set-key ,key2 (lambda () (interactive) (insert ,key1)))
(global-set-key (kbd ,(format "<kp-%s>" key1))
(lambda () (interactive) (insert ,key1))))))
(swap-keys (("1" . "!")
("2" . "\"")))
于 2013-01-05T13:35:30.963 回答
You can set up a custom input method that has those keys flipped (doc).
ex I have this in my .emacs for the layout I use:
(eval-after-load 'quail
(add-to-list 'quail-keyboard-layout-alist
'("us-pgr-dvk" . "\
$~&%[7{5}3(1=9*0)2+4]6!8#` \
;:,<.>pPyYfFgGcCrRlL/?@^\\| \
aAoOeEuUiIdDhHtTnNsS-_ \
'\"qQjJkKxXbBmMwWvVzZ \
(quail-set-keyboard-layout "us-pgr-dvk")
于 2013-01-05T17:06:24.980 回答
You can write:
(global-set-key (kbd "1") (lambda () (interactive) (insert "!")))
于 2013-01-05T12:26:38.753 回答