<select id="event_name" style="width:248px;" onchange="updatecollectbasic()" onblur="changecolor()" name="event_name" class="styled">
<option <? if( $event_name == "") echo 'selected';?> value="">Select</option>
<option <? if( $event_name == "Birthday") echo 'selected';?> value="Birthday">Birthday</option>
<option <? if( $event_name == "Christmas") echo 'selected';?> value="Christmas">Christmas</option>
<option <? if( $event_name == "Hanukah") echo 'selected';?> value="Hanukah">Hanukah</option>
<option <? if( $event_name == "Graduation") echo 'selected';?> value="Graduation">Graduation</option>
<option <? if( $event_name == "Confirmation") echo 'selected';?> value="Confirmation">Confirmation</option>
<option <? if( $event_name == "Barmitzvah") echo 'selected';?> value="Barmitzvah">Barmitzvah</option>
<option <? if( $event_name == "Batmiztvah") echo 'selected';?> value="Batmiztvah">Batmiztvah</option>
<option <? if( $event_name == "Wedding") echo 'selected';?> value="Wedding">Wedding</option>
<option <? if( $event_name == "Shower") echo 'selected';?> value="Shower">Shower</option>
<option <? if( $event_name == "Other") echo 'selected';?> value="Other">Other</option>
和另一个输入框来获取“日期”,它也附有 jQuery 日期选择器:
<input id="event_date" type="text" onchange="updatecollectbasic()" name="event_date" value="<?=$event_date?>" class="inputtext2 table_ip" style="width : 90px;"/>
and based on the selection, the date should be choosen, But when the selected option is "christmas", I need to populate the date of christmas in the input field.
if ($('#event_name').val() == "Christmas") {
} else {
但是,在这里我需要将圣诞节日期设置为“2013 年 12 月 25 日”作为日期过去,同样在“2013 年 12 月 25 日”过去之后,如果进行此选择,则需要显示明年的圣诞节日期. 如何使用javascript来做到这一点。提前致谢。