First of all, you can't change anything in Haskell, everything is immutable. So what you're trying to do right now is wrong.
myBag Sapphire = 3
Will always be 3.
So you will have to return a new bag instead of changing it.
Also, I think it would be better to create a list of Gems instead of pattern matching. As such:
data Gems = Sapphire|Emerald|Diamond|Ruby deriving (Show, Eq)
type Gem = (Gems, Int)
type Bag = [Gem]
You can now do things such as
[(Ruby, 30), (Sapphire, 20)] :: Bag
for example.
Next we want to be able to adjust this bag.
removeGem :: Gems -> Bag -> Bag
removeGem _ [] = []
removeGem gem (x:xs) | gem == (fst x) = removeGem gem xs
| otherwise = x : removeGem gem xs
This code will let you remove a gem from a bag. It's very simple, it just goes through the list and checks each item if it's the selected gem. If that's not the case it will add it to the function list. In the end it will return a new list without the selected gem.
With this function we can add gems to a bag with the following code:
addToBag :: Gem -> Bag -> Bag
addToBag item@(gem,amount) bag =
case lookup gem bag of
Nothing -> item : bag
_ -> let (Just oldAmount) = lookup gem bag
in (gem, (amount + oldAmount)) : (removeGem gem bag)
This code will let you add new gems to a bag like so:
(Diamond, 10) `addToBag` [(Ruby, 30), (Sapphire, 20)] :: Bag
Will return:
"lookup" is a function that looks up a "key" in a list of tuples. The key being the first tuple value, in our case the Gems.
If the lookup doesn't find the gem we want to add, it will simply append it to the list.
If however it does find it, we will store the amount it has of that gem into "oldAmount", delete the gem and add the new amount and old amount together to create a new gem for your bag. For example:
(Ruby,20) `addToBag` [(Diamond,10),(Ruby,20),(Sapphire,30)]
Will return:
instead of:
So it adds up the amount instead of adding the same gem name over and over.
If you want to find a gem and amount from your bag, you can simply use the "lookup" function.
I hope this answers your question.