您可以通过 enalbing 轻松检查整个环境中发生的情况CI logs
| Error Logging Threshold
| If you have enabled error logging, you can set an error threshold to
| determine what gets logged. Threshold options are:
| You can enable error logging by setting a threshold over zero. The
| threshold determines what gets logged. Threshold options are:
| 0 = Disables logging, Error logging TURNED OFF
| 1 = Error Messages (including PHP errors)
| 2 = Debug Messages
| 3 = Informational Messages
| 4 = All Messages
| For a live site you'll usually only enable Errors (1) to be logged otherwise
| your log files will fill up very fast.
$config['log_threshold'] = 0; //put this to 4
然后,如果您的 /application 文件夹中还没有文件夹,请创建该文件夹并将其添加775 chmod
更新: 您还必须chown apache:apache logs
为了让 apache 能够在该文件夹中写入。
文件,它将包含all the application errors