


a = [1,2,3]
b = [3,2,4]
c = transmute(a, b)

我现在希望 c 包含以下内容:

[["remove", 0], ["add", 2, 4], ["swap", 0, 1]]


[1,2,3] => [2,3] => [2,3,4] => [3,2,4]

这是 Ruby 中一个非常幼稚的实现:https ://gist.github.com/4455256 。这个假设数组中没有重复项(这不是一个好的假设)。我认为它也是 O(n²),如果有更高性能的东西会很好。



3 回答 3


您可以分阶段进行以解决此问题。根据我的想法,应该有3个阶段。O(N) 解决方案将是可能的。

将数组 A 复制到数组 C 中,将数组 B 复制到数组 D 中。

  1. 现在,比较 2 个数组 C 和 D。删除C 中不存在于 D 中的元素。这些是需要从数组 A 中删除的元素。如果我们在这一步使用 HashMap,那么可以在上)
  2. 再次比较 C 和 D,删除 D 中不在 C 中的元素。这些元素本质上就是我们将添加到数组A中的元素。
  3. 所以,现在我们有 2 个数组 - C 和 D,它们本质上具有相同的元素。我们只需要看看如何交换这些元素以使它们看起来相似
  4. 一旦它们看起来相似,我们就可以将 A 中缺少的元素添加到 D中。将您在步骤 2 中删除的元素重新添加到数组 D 中。通过与原始数组 A 进行比较,可以按照正确的顺序添加它们。

因为,步骤 1、2、4 相当简单。我将解释如何使用掉期的顺序。让我们举个例子。如果当前我们的数组 C 看起来像 1,3,2 而 D 看起来像 3,2,1。我们将 D 中每个索引处的值与 C 中的相应值进行比较。如果它们不同,则我们标记从 C 中的元素到 D 中的元素的有向边。因此,在索引 0 处,C 有 1,D 有 3。它们是不同,因此我们绘制从 1 到 3 的有向边。1->3。同样,我们为索引 1 绘制一条从 3 到 2 的边。为索引 2 绘制一条从 2 到 1 的边。

这将我们引向DAG。你可以试试 DFS 之类的各种东西,看看,我将在这里说明结果。没有。交换数将是(图中的节点数 - 1)图的 DFS 遍历将告诉交换发生的顺序


如果您无法通过 DAG 交换算法的阶段。请看@handcraftsman 引用的问题,即字符串转置算法。它针对同一问题提出了类似的方法。

于 2013-01-05T15:30:45.090 回答


get the token-index pairs of all tokens in the source string
get the token-index pairs of all tokens in the target string

from both sets remove the values that are in the other set.

foreach token-index in the source set
   if the target set has the token at the same location
      remove it from both sets, this is a match created by a previous swap
   get the target token at the source index
   if the source set has the target token (at any index)
      create a swap command to swap the source token at source index with
         the target token at its index in the source
      remove the token-index from the source set
      remove the target token-index from the target set
      add a token-index for the target token at the new index to the source set
      loop without moving to the next token-index

create remove commands for any remaining token-indexes in the source set
create add commands for any remaining token-indexes in the target set

这是一个快速的 C# 实现:

private static IEnumerable<ICommand> GetChangeCommands(string source, string target)
    var unmatchedSourceTokens = GetUnmatchedTokenIndexes(source, target);
    var unmatchedTargetTokens = GetUnmatchedTokenIndexes(target, source);

    var commands = new List<ICommand>();

    foreach (var tokenIndexList in unmatchedSourceTokens)
        var sourceToken = tokenIndexList.Key;
        var sourceStringSourceTokenIndexes = unmatchedSourceTokens[sourceToken];

        foreach (var sourceLoopIndex in tokenIndexList.Value.ToList())
            var sourceIndex = sourceLoopIndex;
            bool swapped;
                swapped = false;
                if (sourceIndex >= target.Length)
                var targetToken = target[sourceIndex];
                if (targetToken == sourceToken)
                List<int> sourceStringTargetTokenIndexes;
                if (!unmatchedSourceTokens.TryGetValue(targetToken, out sourceStringTargetTokenIndexes) ||
                var targetIndex = sourceStringTargetTokenIndexes.First();
                commands.Add(new SwapCommand(sourceIndex, targetIndex));
                swapped = true;
                sourceIndex = targetIndex;
            } while (swapped);

    var removalCommands = unmatchedSourceTokens
        .SelectMany(x => x.Value)
        .Select(x => new RemoveCommand(x))
        .OrderByDescending(x => x.Index)


    var insertCommands = unmatchedTargetTokens
        .SelectMany(x => x.Value.Select(y => new InsertCommand(y, x.Key)))
        .OrderBy(x => x.Index)


    return commands;

private static IDictionary<char, List<int>> GetUnmatchedTokenIndexes(string source, string target)
    var targetTokenIndexes = target.Select((x, i) => new
                                                                Token = x,
                                                                Index = i
                                    .ToLookup(x => x.Token, x => x.Index)
                                    .ToDictionary(x => x.Key, x => x.ToList());

    var distinctSourceTokenIndexes = new Dictionary<char, List<int>>();
    foreach (var tokenInfo in source.Select((x, i) => new
                                                                Token = x,
                                                                Index = i
        List<int> indexes;
        if (!targetTokenIndexes.TryGetValue(tokenInfo.Token, out indexes) ||
            if (!distinctSourceTokenIndexes.TryGetValue(tokenInfo.Token, out indexes))
                indexes = new List<int>();
                distinctSourceTokenIndexes.Add(tokenInfo.Token, indexes);
    return distinctSourceTokenIndexes;

internal class InsertCommand : ICommand
    private readonly char _token;

    public InsertCommand(int index, char token)
        Index = index;
        _token = token;

    public int Index { get; private set; }

    public string Change(string input)
        var chars = input.ToList();
        chars.Insert(Index, _token);
        return new string(chars.ToArray());

    public override string ToString()
        return string.Format("[\"add\", {0}, '{1}']", Index, _token);

internal class RemoveCommand : ICommand
    public RemoveCommand(int index)
        Index = index;

    public int Index { get; private set; }

    public string Change(string input)
        var chars = input.ToList();
        return new string(chars.ToArray());

    public override string ToString()
        return string.Format("[\"remove\", {0}]", Index);

internal class SwapCommand : ICommand
    private readonly int _targetIndex;

    public SwapCommand(int sourceIndex, int targetIndex)
        Index = sourceIndex;
        _targetIndex = targetIndex;

    public int Index { get; private set; }

    public string Change(string input)
        var chars = input.ToArray();
        var temp = chars[Index];
        chars[Index] = chars[_targetIndex];
        chars[_targetIndex] = temp;
        return new string(chars);

    public override string ToString()
        return string.Format("[\"swap\", {0}, {1}]", Index, _targetIndex);

internal interface ICommand
    int Index { get; }
    string Change(string input);


const string source = "123";
const string target = "324";
var commands = GetChangeCommands(source, target);
Execute(source, target, commands);

private static void Execute(string current, string target, IEnumerable<ICommand> commands)
    Console.WriteLine("converting".PadRight(19) + current + " to " + target);
    foreach (var command in commands)
        Console.Write(" => ");
        current = command.Change(current);


converting         123 to 324
["swap", 0, 2]  => 321
["remove", 2]   => 32
["add", 2, '4'] => 324

converting         hello to world
["swap", 1, 4]  => holle
["remove", 4]   => holl
["remove", 2]   => hol
["remove", 0]   => ol
["add", 0, 'w'] => wol
["add", 2, 'r'] => worl
["add", 4, 'd'] => world

converting         something to smith
["swap", 1, 2]  => smoething
["swap", 2, 6]  => smiethong
["swap", 3, 4]  => smitehong
["swap", 4, 5]  => smitheong
["remove", 8]   => smitheon
["remove", 7]   => smitheo
["remove", 6]   => smithe
["remove", 5]   => smith

converting         something to sightseeing
["swap", 1, 6]  => simethong
["swap", 6, 3]  => simotheng
["swap", 3, 5]  => simhtoeng
["swap", 2, 8]  => sightoenm
["remove", 8]   => sightoen
["remove", 7]   => sightoe
["remove", 5]   => sighte
["add", 5, 's'] => sightse
["add", 7, 'e'] => sightsee
["add", 8, 'i'] => sightseei
["add", 9, 'n'] => sightseein
["add", 10, 'g'] => sightseeing


于 2013-01-05T00:58:12.567 回答

这个答案可能有用: 字符串转置算法


于 2013-01-04T19:55:08.287 回答