在 .NET/C# 3.5 中,我构建了一封带有嵌入图像的电子邮件,在smtp4dev (http://smtp4dev.codeplex.com/)中接收电子邮件,但图像不会显示。 我使用 HTML Agility Pack 来解析 HTML 文档并进行一些清理(这部分工作正常)。
//uninteresting code above
var images = doc.DocumentNode.Descendants("img");
List<MemoryStream> listOfStreams = new List<MemoryStream>();
List<string> listOfCid = new List<string>();
List<string> listOfReplacedSrcValues = new List<string>();
foreach (var img in images)
var src = img.Attributes["src"];
if (src != null && src.Value.StartsWith("http://"))
//I build a string that looks like this inv_brandLogo_fr_gif
string cid = src.Value.Substring(src.Value.LastIndexOf('/'), src.Value.Length - src.Value.LastIndexOf('/')).Trim('/').Replace('.', '_');
string cidWithTimestamp = string.Format("cid:{0}_{1}", cid, DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd-HH-mm-ss-fffffff")); //append a timestamp to ensure the cid is unique !
PageResult = PageResult.Replace(src.Value, cidWithTimestamp);
WebClient wc = new WebClient();
byte[] originalData = wc.DownloadData(src.Value);
MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(originalData);
MailAlert.SendRecap(Context.User.Identity.Name, PageResult, listOfStreams, listOfCid);
//end of the 1st bit of code
public static void SendRecap(string connectedUser, string HTMLcontent, List<MemoryStream> listOfStreams, List<string> listOfCid)
SmtpClient sender = new SmtpClient();
MailMessage message = new MailMessage();
message.From = new MailAddress("recap@test.com");
message.To.Add(string.Format("{0}@vente-privee.com", connectedUser));
message.Subject = "Test Recap";
message.Body = HTMLcontent;
message.IsBodyHtml = true;
int i = 0;
string plainBody = "Plain text content, viewable by clients that don\'t support html";
AlternateView plainView = AlternateView.CreateAlternateViewFromString(plainBody, null, "text/plain");
AlternateView htmlView = AlternateView.CreateAlternateViewFromString(HTMLcontent, null, "text/html");
//create the LinkedResource (embedded image)
foreach (var ms in listOfStreams)
ContentType ct = new ContentType();
if (listOfCid[i].Contains("gif"))
ct = new ContentType(MediaTypeNames.Image.Gif);
else if (listOfCid[i].Contains("jpg") || listOfCid[i].Contains("jpeg"))
ct = new ContentType(MediaTypeNames.Image.Jpeg);
else if (listOfCid[i].Contains("png"))
//contentType = "image/png";
ct = new ContentType(MediaTypeNames.Image.Jpeg);
LinkedResource imageResource = new LinkedResource(ms, ct);
imageResource.ContentId = listOfCid[i];
imageResource.TransferEncoding = TransferEncoding.Base64;
catch (Exception ex)
throw ex;
当我在 smtp4dev 中检查收到的电子邮件时,我可以在左列“MIME Parts”中看到它的所有部分:
- 未命名:多部分/替代(158959 字节)
- 未命名:文本/纯文本(50642 字节)
- 未命名:文本/纯文本(65 字节)
- 未命名:多部分/相关(107752 字节)
- 未命名:text/html(50642 字节)
- 未命名:图像/gif(4610 字节)
- 未命名:图像/jpeg(1908 字节)
- 未命名:图像/gif(540 字节)
- 未命名:图像/gif(544 字节)
- 未命名:text/html(48466 字节)
当我选择“未命名:文本/html(50642 字节)”行然后选择“正文”选项卡时,我可以看到电子邮件的 HTML 源代码和所有“cid:”(例如:src="cid:inv_brandLogo_fr_gif_2013-01-04 -18-50-34-4569409")
但是,如果我在 smtp4dev 中单击“打开”,则电子邮件会在 Internet Explorer 中打开而没有任何图像。
当 IE 打开时,它在底部显示一个警告:“Internet Explorer 限制此网页运行脚本或 ActiveX 控件”和一个按钮“允许阻止的内容”,我单击它,但无济于事......