我正在使用 Sharepoint 2010,并用 C#/VS2010 编写了一个应用程序页面。我正在使用 ListViewByQuery 来显示一个列表。一切都很好,直到我添加 GroupBy 标记来对列表进行分组。添加后,由于某种原因,我使用 query.ViewFields 选择的列将被忽略,而是在折叠和展开时显示其他三个列。代码在这里:

            //this section demonstrates how to display a list in an SP Application Page project:
        using (SPWeb web = site.OpenWeb())
            myListQuery.List = web.Lists["Links"];
            SPQuery query = new SPQuery(myListQuery.List.DefaultView);
            //note: there seems to be bug somewhere... when the list is grouped by (folders), you
            //      don't see the fields you request - just three basic fields.  It seems to ignore the ViewFields
            //      that you specified, unless you don't group.  Weird.
            query.ViewFields = "<FieldRef Name=\"ID\" /><FieldRef Name=\"URLwMenu\" /><FieldRef Name=\"List\" /><FieldRef Name=\"Category\" /><FieldRef Name=\"Author\" />";
            query.Query = "<Where><Contains><FieldRef Name=\"List\"/><Value Type=\"Text\">Projects</Value></Contains></Where>";
            //if this next line is commented out, all the correct columns are shown
            query.Query += "<GroupBy Collapse=\"FALSE\" GroupLimit=\"100\"><FieldRef Name=\"Category\"></GroupBy>";
            myListQuery.DisableFilter = false;
            myListQuery.DisableSort = false;
            myListQuery.Query = query;

在此示例中,显示的列是类型、编辑、URL 和注释。如果有人有任何线索,将不胜感激!


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您似乎在 GroupBy 子句中 FieldRef 的结束标记中缺少 / :

<FieldRef Name=\"Category\">
于 2013-01-04T20:58:07.517 回答