我正在尝试实现一种方法,让所有 if-elseif-else 和 while 循环让我头晕目眩。我有一个包含 3 列的 SQLite 数据库——自动增量、分数(长)和百分比(整数)。百分比来自 10 个问题的正确性,分数将是在 0 到 1000 之间计算的某个数字。因此百分比上会有很多关系,而(可能)分数中没有关系。
我的问题是,如果有人有任何建议或其他示例,我可以遵循以完成此方法。另外,我的做法可以吗?我使用 arawQuery()
//Check if new record makes the top 10.
public int check(long score, int percentage) {
Cursor c1 = db.rawQuery("SELECT " + PERCENTAGE + " FROM " + TABLE, null);
Cursor c2 = db.rawQuery("SELECT " + SCORE + " FROM " + TABLE, null);
if(c1 != null && c2 != null) {
int i = 0;
while(c1.moveToNext() == true) {
int ii = 0;
do {
int x = c1.getInt(c1.getColumnIndex("PERCENTAGE"));
if(x > percentage) {
db.rawQuery("INSERT INTO " + TABLE + "VALUES (" + i + ", " + score + ", " + percentage + ");", null);
} else if (x < percentage ) {
} else {
int y = c2.getInt(c2.getColumnIndex("SCORE"));
while(x == percentage) {
if(y > score) {
db.rawQuery("INSERT INTO " + TABLE + "VALUES (" + i + ", " + score + ", " + percentage + ");", null);
} else
if(c2.getCount() == 10) {
//Delete last record in high score and insert at index.
//db.rawQuery("DELETE FROM " + TABLE + " WHERE " + RANK + " = 10;", null);
db.rawQuery("INSERT INTO " + TABLE + "VALUES (" + i + ", " + score + ", " + percentage + ");", null);
return true;
} else {
//No deletion - just insert.
db.rawQuery("INSERT INTO " + TABLE + "VALUES (" + i + ", " + score + ", " + percentage + ");", null);
return true;
} else {
return false;
} while (c2.moveToNext());
} else {
return false;
} else {
return false;
//Insert new record.
public long insert(long score, int percentage) {
ContentValues values = new ContentValues();
values.put(SCORE, score);
values.put(PERCENTAGE, percentage);
return db.insert(TABLE, null, values);