如文档中所述,我直接使用 url 尝试了“发送”和“提要”对话框。

提要对话框: 一切正常;我的 redirect_uri 是:

  • 单击“取消”按钮时按原样调用 ( http://my.redirect.uri)
  • 单击“共享”按钮时使用查询字符串“post_id=123456789”调用 ( http://my.redirect.uri?post_id=123456789)

然后我可以通过收到的 id 检查发布的链接(当然,如果我有“read_stream”权限)。

发送对话框: 响应不一样;我的 redirect_uri 是:

  • 单击“取消”按钮时按原样调用 ( http://my.redirect.uri)
  • 单击“共享”按钮时使用查询字符串“success=1”调用 ( http://my.redirect.uri?success=1)

我想阅读已发送的消息或相关线程(具有“read_mailbox”权限),但我不知道消息 ID。我可以在整个收件箱中查找这条消息,但这对我来说并不满意......


  • 从 Facebook 发送对话框返回时,有没有办法获取此 ID?
  • 为什么在redirect_uri 查询字符串中没有像在提要对话框中那样给出这个ID?(类似http://my.redirect.uri?message_id=123456789

1 回答 1


Is there a way to get this id when coming back from Facebook Send Dialog?

No. The Send dialog only reports success, but nothing else.

Why isn't this id given in the redirect_uri query string like it is done with the feed dialog?

Because the Send dialog does not give that info at all, no matter how you call it. Using the JS SDK f.e., calling it with FB.ui, you also only get a true/false return value.

My guess is that this is by design; FB does not want you to know who the user sends messages to or what they contain.

于 2013-01-04T08:44:18.093 回答