我在我的 asp.net mvc 应用程序中有以下视图:-
@model MvcApplication4.Models.ContactsDetails
<h3>Select Contacts Detials</h3>
<p class="dashboarder" style = "color:#5c87b2"><strong>@Model.Info.Count()</strong> Selected Customers Accounts.</p>
@using (Html.BeginForm("Export", null))
Int32 c = -1;
Account Name @Html.CheckBox("IncludeAccountName", true)
Name @Html.CheckBox("IncludeName", true)
public ActionResult CustomersDetails(long[] SelectRight)
if (SelectRight == null)
return RedirectToAction("customer", new { isError = true });
var ContactsDetails2 = new ContactsDetails
Info = r.getcontactinfo(SelectRight)
return View(ContactsDetails2);
public IEnumerable<AaaUserContactInfo> getcontactinfo(long[] id)
var organizationNames = entities.SDOrganizations
.Where(org => id.Contains(org.ORG_ID))
.Select(org => org.NAME);
var result = from userContactInfo in entities.AaaUserContactInfoes
join contactInfo in entities.AaaContactInfoes on userContactInfo.CONTACTINFO_ID equals contactInfo.CONTACTINFO_ID
where organizationNames.Contains(contactInfo.EMAILID.ToString())
select userContactInfo;
return result;
但是当我运行 mu 应用程序时,我在视图上得到了以下不清楚的错误:-
LINQ to Entities does not recognize the method 'System.String ToString()' method, and this method cannot be translated into a store expression.