我正在使用 Spring 3.1.1.RELEASE。我无法在我的 JSP 上显示错误消息。这是我在控制器中使用的方法...

@RequestMapping(value = "/save", method = RequestMethod.POST)
public ModelAndView save(final HttpServletRequest request,
                         final Organization organization,
                         final Model model,
                         final BindingResult result) 
    String nextPage = "organizations/add";
    m_orgValidator.validate(organization, result);
    if (!result.hasErrors())
        final boolean isUpdate = !StringUtils.isEmpty(organization.getId()); 
        // We need this clause to prevent detached entity errors.
        if (StringUtils.isEmpty(organization.getId()))
        }   // if
        final String msgKey = isUpdate ? "org.updated.successfully" : "org.added.successfully"; 
        final Object[] args = new Object[0];
                             MessageFormat.format(resourceBundle.getString(msgKey), args));

        nextPage = "landing";
    } else { 
        model.addAttribute(ORG_MODEL_NAME, organization);
    }   // if

    return new ModelAndView(nextPage);
}   // save

这是我的 JSP……</p>

    <c:url var="action" value="/organizations/save" />
    <form:form modelAttribute="org" method="post" action="${action}">
        <form:hidden path="id" />
            <legend>Upload Fields</legend>
            <p><form:errors path="*" cssClass="error" /></p>
                <form:label for="name" path="name">Name *</form:label><br/>
                <form:input path="name" type="text"/>

我已经通过调试验证了我的验证器正确设置了错误(result.hasErrors() = true),但是错误没有在我的页面上正确显示。有任何想法吗?如果有帮助,下面是我的验证器类。

public class OrgValidator implements Validator

    private OrganizationService m_orgSvc;


    public boolean supports(Class<?> clazz)
        return Organization.class.isAssignableFrom(clazz);

    public void validate(final Object target,
                         final Errors errors)
        final Organization org = (Organization) target;

        if (org != null && !StringUtils.isEmpty(org.getEodbId()))
            final String eodbId = org.getEodbId();
            final Organization foundOrg = m_orgSvc.findByEodbId(eodbId);
            if ((org.getId() == null && foundOrg != null) ||
                (org.getId() != null && foundOrg != null && !org.getId().equals(foundOrg.getId())))
                errors.rejectValue("eodbId", "AlreadyExists.org.eodb.id");
            }   // if
        } else if (org == null || org != null && StringUtils.isEmpty(org.getEodbId())) { 
            errors.rejectValue("eodbId", "NotExists.org.eodb.id");   
        }   // if

        if (org == null || org.getOrganizationType() == null)
            errors.rejectValue("organizationType", "Invalid.org.type");
        }   // if

        if (org == null || org.getCountry() == null)
            errors.rejectValue("country", "Invalid.org.country");
        }   // if

        if (org == null || org.getState() == null)
            errors.rejectValue("state", "Invalid.org.state");
        }   // if


1 回答 1


原因是 BindingResult 被绑定为请求属性,其名称结尾.organization并尝试使用此后缀检索它,而您的模型属性名称是org,这就是它无法为您的模型找到错误的原因.

The fix is to name your model attribute organization and to use this name in the jsp also:

model.addAttribute("organization", organization);

<form:form modelAttribute="organization" method="post" action="${action}">
        <p><form:errors path="*" cssClass="error" /></p>
于 2013-01-04T02:14:45.933 回答