如果您想完全避免 printf 并且只需要在小数点前后使用给定的数字进行打印,我有一些旧代码可能会有所帮助。此代码在 C 中编译,并且在 Arduino IDE 中也可以正常工作。几乎可以肯定,它可以用更少的 C++ 行来完成。pow10 可以通过编程方式完成,但使用的 CI 版本不支持权力:
#include <stdio.h>
Because lcd and serial don't support printf, and its very costly, and all we need
is simple formating with a certain number of digits and precision, this ftoa is enough.
If digits is negative, it will pad left.
#define BUF_LEN 20
char buf[BUF_LEN]; //need a buffer to hold formatted strings to send to LCD
int ftoa(char * str, float f, char digits, char precision) {
char i=0,k,l=0;
long a,c;
long pow10[10] = {1,10,100,1000,10000,100000,1000000,10000000,100000000,1000000000};
unsigned char b;
char decimal='.';
if(digits>=10) {return 0;};
// check for negative float
if(f<0.0) {
a=(int)f; // extracting whole number
f-=a; // extracting decimal part
k = digits;
// number of digits in whole number
while(k>=0) {
c = pow10[k];
c = a/c;
if(c>0) { break; }
} // number of digits in whole number are k+1
if (0<k && digits==k && c>10) { //overflow
decimal = 'e';
extracting most significant digit i.e. right most digit , and concatenating to string
obtained as quotient by dividing number by 10^k where k = (number of digit -1)
c = pow10[l];
b = a/c;
str[i++]=(l&&!b?' ':b+48); //digit or pad
if (precision) {str[i++] = decimal;};
/* extracting decimal digits till precision */
if (0>precision) {k=0; precision=abs(precision);}
for(l=0;l<precision;l++) {
b = (int)f; //math floor
str[i++]=b+48; //48 is ASCII 0
if (!k && 0==f) { break; } //nothing left, save chars.
//won't work if there are any floating point errors.
return i;