
PHP 5.3.5
JSON 1.2.1

这一切都在本地 XAMPP 服务器上运行。基本上,我下面的代码返回一个不完整的关联数组。json_last_error() 返回 0。我已经搜索了网络,但在没有返回特定 json 错误的情况下找不到此类错误。

$ShippingObj = json_decode($_POST['formData'], true);
echo json_last_error();
echo $ShippingObj;

我已经用 JSONLint 验证了这个字符串。这就是它的输出......

array (
      'name' => 'newShipment',
      'comments' => '',
      'count' => 1,
      'itemID' => 0,
      'itemWeight' => 7.548,
      'itemLength' => 0,
      'itemWidth' => 0,
      'itemHeight' => 0,
      'limits' => '',
      'collection' => 
      array (
        0 => 
        array (
          'name' => '8x6x4 Standard',
          'comments' => '',
          'count' => 5,
          'itemID' => '3',
          'itemWeight' => 7.5475,
          'itemLength' => '8',
          'itemWidth' => '6',
          'itemHeight' => '4',
          'limits' => 'MFR',
          'collection' => 
          array (
            0 => 
            array (
              'ID' => '1',
              'Name' => ' TA-200 Demarcation Enclosure',
              'Qty' => 1,
              'Weight' => '0.34',
            1 => 
            array (
              'ID' => '2',
              'Name' => ' CG-1000 Demarcation Enclosure',
              'Qty' => 4,
              'Weight' => '1',
            2 => 
            array (
              'ID' => '19',
              'Name' => ' FM-02 Stereo FM Transmitter',
              'Qty' => 1,
              'Weight' => '0.1625',
            3 => 
            array (
              'ID' => '20',
              'Name' => ' Renard 64 Rev XC Parts Kit w/PCB',
              'Qty' => 1,
              'Weight' => '1.125',
            4 => 
            array (
              'ID' => '21',
              'Name' => ' SSRez Parts Kit w/PCB - Set of 8',
              'Qty' => 2,
              'Weight' => '0.86',

这是一个有效的 JSON 构造.....这是我复制到http://www.functions-online.com/json_decode.html以验证我的字符串的输入。

$returnValue = json_decode('{"name":"newShipment","comments":"","count":1,"itemID":0,"itemWeight":7.548,"itemLength":0,"itemWidth":0,"itemHeight":0,"limits":"","collection":{"0":{"name":"8x6x4 Standard","comments":"","count":5,"itemID":"3","itemWeight":7.5475,"itemLength":"8","itemWidth":"6","itemHeight":"4","limits":"MFR","collection":{"0":{"ID":"1","Name":" TA-200 Demarcation Enclosure","Qty":1,"Weight":"0.34"},"1":{"ID":"2","Name":" CG-1000 Demarcation Enclosure","Qty":4,"Weight":"1"},"2":{"ID":"19","Name":" FM-02 Stereo FM Transmitter","Qty":1,"Weight":"0.1625"},"3":{"ID":"20","Name":" Renard 64 Rev XC Parts Kit w/PCB","Qty":1,"Weight":"1.125"},"4":{"ID":"21","Name":" SSRez Parts Kit w/PCB - Set of 8","Qty":2,"Weight":"0.86"}}}}}', true);

第一部分代码返回 $ShippingObj 的以下内容。注意没有展开的“[collection] => array(5)”......它是空的。我检查了以前 JS 中的字符串,没问题。

array(10) (
  [name] => (string) newShipment
  [comments] => (string)
  [count] => (int) 1
  [itemID] => (int) 0
  [itemWeight] => (float) 16.2955
  [itemLength] => (int) 0
  [itemWidth] => (int) 0
  [itemHeight] => (int) 0
  [limits] => (string)
  [collection] => array(1) (
    [0] => array(10) (
      [name] => (string) CG2000 OEM Box
      [comments] => (string)
      [count] => (int) 5
      [itemID] => (string) 2
      [itemWeight] => (float) 8.1475
      [itemLength] => (string) 21
      [itemWidth] => (string) 16.5
      [itemHeight] => (string) 12.5
      [limits] => (string) 2ND
      [collection] => array(5) (

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