Here i am using a jquery datepicker from this sample It is working fine but the problem is after clicking the submit button if there is any mandatory field validation error,the next time when i click the textbox jquery datepicker is not working means the script is not loading after submit is throwing the error in firebug console like
TypeError: $(...).datebox is not a function
Here is my code
$(document).ready(function () {
$('#txtstartdate').live('click', function () {
$("#txtstartdate").datebox("option", {
mode: "calbox",
highDatesAlt: ["2011-11-09", "2011-11-10"],
highDates: ["2011-11-02", "2011-11-03"],
pickPageOAHighButtonTheme: "b"
@Html.TextBoxFor(m => m.StartDate, new { @name = "mydate", @id = "txtstartdate", style = "height:20px; font-size:10px;", data_role = "datebox", data_options = "{\"mode\":\"calbox\",\"useButton\": false}" })
Any suggestion?