- 必须至少有 3 个字符。
- 如果 % 字符是第一个字符,则必须至少有 4 个字符。
- AB - 失败
- ABC-通过
- ABCDEFG - 通过
- % - 失败
- %AB - 失败
- %ABC - 通过
- %ABCDEFG - 通过
- %%AB - 通过
- 字符串的开始%?
- 贪心检查 0 或 1 % 字符\S{3}
- 3 个非空白字符
The problem is, the %?
for some reason is not doing a greedy check. It's not eating the % character if it exists so the '%AB' case is passing which I think should be failing. Why is the %?
not eating the % character?
Someone please show me the light :)
Edit: The answer I used was Dav below: ^(%\S{3}|[^%\s]\S{2})
Although it was a 2 part answer and Alan's really made me understand why. I didn't use his version of ^(?>%?)\S{3}
because it worked but not in the javascript implementation. Both great answers and a lot of help.