我正在尝试使用 Rubber gem 将我的 rails 应用程序上传到亚马逊 ec2(我正在关注Railscasts 教程)。每次我运行cap rubber:create_staging
Andrews-MacBook-Pro:blog andrew$ cap rubber:create_staging
Respawning with 'bundle exec'
triggering load callbacks
* 2013-01-03 17:27:20 executing `rubber:init'
* 2013-01-03 17:27:23 executing `rubber:create_staging'
Hostname to use for staging instance [production]:
Roles to use for staging instance [apache,app,collectd,common,db:primary=true,elasticsearch,examples,graphite_server,graphite_web,graylog_elasticsearch,graylog_mongodb,graylog_server,graylog_web,haproxy,mongodb,monit,passenger,postgresql,postgresql_master,web,web_tools]:
* 2013-01-03 17:27:26 executing `rubber:create'
* Security Group already in cloud, syncing rules: blog_production_production
* Security Group already in cloud, syncing rules: blog_production_graylog_mongodb
* Security Group already in cloud, syncing rules: blog_production_mongodb
* Security Group already in cloud, syncing rules: blog_production_postgresql
* Security Group already in cloud, syncing rules: blog_production_postgresql_master
* Security Group already in cloud, syncing rules: blog_production_db
* Security Group already in cloud, syncing rules: blog_production_app
* Security Group already in cloud, syncing rules: blog_production_web
* Security Group already in cloud, syncing rules: blog_production_haproxy
* Security Group already in cloud, syncing rules: blog_production_elasticsearch
* Security Group already in cloud, syncing rules: blog_production_monit
* Security Group already in cloud, syncing rules: blog_production_common
* Security Group already in cloud, syncing rules: blog_production_default
* Security Group already in cloud, syncing rules: blog_production_graylog_elasticsearch
* Security Group already in cloud, syncing rules: blog_production_apache
* Security Group already in cloud, syncing rules: blog_production_passenger
* Security Group already in cloud, syncing rules: blog_production_examples
* Security Group already in cloud, syncing rules: blog_production_graphite_web
* Security Group already in cloud, syncing rules: blog_production_graphite_server
* Security Group already in cloud, syncing rules: blog_production_graylog_server
* Security Group already in cloud, syncing rules: blog_production_collectd
* Security Group already in cloud, syncing rules: blog_production_graylog_web
* Security Group already in cloud, syncing rules: blog_production_web_tools
** Creating instance ami-eafa5883/m1.small/blog_production_default,blog_production_web,blog_production_web_tools,blog_production_production,blog_production_apache,blog_production_app,blog_production_passenger,blog_production_collectd,blog_production_common,blog_production_monit,blog_production_db,blog_production_postgresql,blog_production_postgresql_master,blog_production_elasticsearch,blog_production_examples,blog_production_graphite_server,blog_production_graphite_web,blog_production_graylog_elasticsearch,blog_production_graylog_mongodb,blog_production_mongodb,blog_production_graylog_server,blog_production_graylog_web,blog_production_haproxy/Default
** Instance production created: i-7b4f840a
Waiting for instances to start..........................
** Instance running, fetching hostname/ip data
* 2013-01-03 17:28:37 executing `rubber:_allow_root_ssh'
* executing "sudo -p 'sudo password: ' bash -l -c 'cp /home/ubuntu/.ssh/authorized_keys /root/.ssh/'"
servers: [""]
.... ** Failed to connect to, retrying
* 2013-01-03 17:28:44 executing `rubber:_allow_root_ssh'
* executing "sudo -p 'sudo password: ' bash -l -c 'cp /home/ubuntu/.ssh/authorized_keys /root/.ssh/'"
servers: [""]
. ** Failed to connect to, retrying
* 2013-01-03 17:28:46 executing `rubber:_allow_root_ssh'
* executing "sudo -p 'sudo password: ' bash -l -c 'cp /home/ubuntu/.ssh/authorized_keys /root/.ssh/'"
servers: [""]
. ** Failed to connect to, retrying
* 2013-01-03 17:28:49 executing `rubber:_allow_root_ssh'
* executing "sudo -p 'sudo password: ' bash -l -c 'cp /home/ubuntu/.ssh/authorized_keys /root/.ssh/'"
servers: [""]
编辑:我终于通过在我的本地机器上重新安装 ruby + gems 解决了这个问题。仍然不确定是什么原因造成的。