
;with SpecimenDetail as (
,a.[mlis id]
,dbo.networkdays(s.[date received],GETDATE())-1 [Days On Hold]
,(case when dbo.networkdays(s.[date received],GETDATE())-1>=7 then '7+' 
   when dbo.networkdays(s.[date received],GETDATE())-1 in (5,6) then '5-6'
   when dbo.networkdays(s.[date received],GETDATE())-1 in (3,4) then '3-4'
   when dbo.networkdays(s.[date received],GETDATE())-1 in (1,2) then '1-2'
   when dbo.networkdays(s.[date received],GETDATE())-1=0 then '0'
  else 'na'
end) as [Days on Hold Group]
 from specimendetailtmp s
left join sectionaalignment a
on s.[mlis practice id]=a.[mlis id]
where s.[date distributed] is not null
and s.[date received]>='20121112'
and s.sectiona='not marked'


AvgTAT as
select 'director' emptype,director employee, cast(round(AVG(cast (dbo.networkdays(s.[date received],s.[date distributed])-1  as float)), 3, 1) as decimal(10,1)) AvgTAT,month(s.[date received]) month from SpecimenDetail s
where s.[date distributed] is not null
group by director,month(s.[date received])

union all

select 'rm' emptype,rm employee, cast(round(AVG(cast (dbo.networkdays(s.[date received],s.[date distributed])-1  as float)), 3, 1) as decimal(10,1))AvgTAT,month(s.[date received]) month from SpecimenDetail s
where s.[date distributed] is not null
group by rm,month(s.[date received])

union all

select 'rep' emptype,rep employee,cast(round(AVG(cast (dbo.networkdays(s.[date received],s.[date distributed])-1 as float)), 3, 1) as decimal(10,1)) AvgTAT,month(s.[date received]) month from SpecimenDetail s
where s.[date distributed] is not null
group by rep,month(s.[date received])

union all

select 'css' emptype,css employee,cast(round(AVG(cast (dbo.networkdays(s.[date received],s.[date distributed])-1  as float)), 3, 1) as decimal(10,1)) AvgTAT,month(s.[date received]) month from SpecimenDetail s
where s.[date distributed] is not null
group by css,month(s.[date received])

union all

select 'css2' emptype,css2 employee,cast(round(AVG(cast (dbo.networkdays(s.[date received],s.[date distributed])-1  as float)), 3, 1) as decimal(10,1)) AvgTAT,month(s.[date received]) month from SpecimenDetail s
where s.[date distributed] is not null
group by css2,month(s.[date received])

select * from avgtat




1 回答 1


我怀疑段中的一个或多个SELECT子句UNION ALL正在产生隐式转换为int. 并且,其他SELECT子句返回的结果是nvarchar. 当结果中的列值都是整数时,可能会发生隐式转换。

如果您不知道是哪一列导致了问题,您应该查看每个列的结果SELECT并确定是否存在共同模式(例如,nvarchar 列中的所有值都是整数。)然后,当您知道生成的列时问题,使用CASTCONVERT将值显式转换为所需的数据类型。

于 2013-01-02T23:44:19.290 回答