我现在正在使用 PayPal Recurring Payments API。但碰巧我需要一个特定的功能。让我们考虑以下场景,
- 我的客户在我的网站上有个人资料,他每月支付 100 美元,但在特定月份,他必须在下个月支付税款。
有没有办法只在下个月加税,而不是像 TAXAMT 那样,适用于所有周期。另一方面,也许我只想给下一次付款打折,而不是整个周期。这可能吗?
Recurring Payments profiles are meant to be setup with a single amount that will be charged on a regular basis. You can adjust the amount, but then you'd have to adjust it back when/if necessary. Also, if using Recurring Payments with Express Checkout you can only increase the amount by 20% every 90 days (or it might even be 120 days).
If you need to process additional charges every now and then I would recommend running an Authorization through Express Checkout or Payments Pro depending on what you're using. You could simply authorize the person's credit card or account using a card verification / $0 authorization.
From then on you can process additional payments of variable amounts using Reference Transactions (DoReferenceTransaction).
You might also be interested in checking out Adaptive Payments, specifically Preapproval / Pay. This allows users to preapprove payments amounts based on criteria specified in the Preapproval request. You can then submit payments on their behalf at any time as long as they fall within that preapproval profile.