我是新的 R 用户,所以我提前为我的无知道歉。我有一个流大型无脊椎动物数据的社区矩阵(作为行标题和物种作为列标题的图)。我想将数据稀疏到每个地块 500 个人,执行 1000 次,然后计算流健康指标(例如,% EPT)。在这一点上,我还没有成功地建立一个循环来将数据稀疏 1000 次(甚至 10 次)。我正在使用一个简化的数据集(6 个物种,12 个地块)来找出正确的代码,因为我的社区矩阵有 > 100 个物种。我正在使用这个网站 (http://ichthyology.usm.edu/courses/multivariate/diversity.R) 作为开发正确代码的模板。提前感谢您对此代码的任何帮助。

我的矩阵有 6 个物种,12 个地块

    X Attenella.margarita Baetidae Baetis.sp. Baetis.tricaudatus Caenis.sp. Diphetor.hageni
1   1                   0        0          0                  0          0              36
2   2                   0        0          0               1009          0             682
3   3                  51       51          0                609          0             406
4   4                   0        0         40                  0          0               0
5   5                   0        0         68                  0         68             203
 6   6                   0        0          0               1244          0               0
 7   7                   0        0       2090                  0          0               0
 8   8                   0        0         11                  0          0               0
 9   9                   0        0          0               4621          0               0
 10 10                   0        0          0               1515          0               0
 11 11                   0        0          0                 33          0               0
 12 12                   0        0          0                116          0               0

我可以rarefy使用 vegan 包将此数据集 1x,但我想重复执行此操作

rrarefy(comm, sample=5)
      X Attenella.margarita Baetidae Baetis.sp. Baetis.tricaudatus Caenis.sp. Diphetor.hageni
 [1,] 0                   0        0          0                  0          0               5
 [2,] 0                   0        0          0                  4          0               1
 [3,] 0                   2        0          0                  2          0               1
 [4,] 0                   0        0          5                  0          0               0
 [5,] 0                   0        0          1                  0          1               3
 [6,] 0                   0        0          0                  5          0               0
 [7,] 0                   0        0          5                  0          0               0
 [8,] 3                   0        0          2                  0          0               0
 [9,] 0                   0        0          0                  5          0               0
 [10,] 0                   0        0          0                  5          0               0
 [11,] 0                   0        0          0                  5          0               0
 [12,] 0                   0        0          0                  5          0               0

但是当我尝试将其作为循环执行 10 次时我没有运气

> ComLoop = 0
> for (i in 1:10) ComLoop[i] = rrarefy(comm, sample=5)
  Warning in ComLoop[i] = rrarefy(comm, sample = 5) :

3 回答 3



res <- lapply(as.list(1:10), function(x) rrarefy(comm, sample=5)) 


于 2013-01-02T16:35:00.573 回答


@tophcito 的答案将起作用,因为它返回一个列表,其组成部分是对rrarefy().


ComLoop <- vector(mode = "list", length =  5)
for (i in seq_along(ComLoop)) {
    ComLoop[[i]] <- rrarefy(dune, sample = 5)


> str(ComLoop)
List of 5
 $ : num [1:20, 1:30] 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 ...
  ..- attr(*, "dimnames")=List of 2
  .. ..$ : chr [1:20] "2" "13" "4" "16" ...
  .. ..$ : chr [1:30] "Belper" "Empnig" "Junbuf" "Junart" ...
 $ : num [1:20, 1:30] 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 ...
  ..- attr(*, "dimnames")=List of 2
  .. ..$ : chr [1:20] "2" "13" "4" "16" ...
  .. ..$ : chr [1:30] "Belper" "Empnig" "Junbuf" "Junart" ...
 $ : num [1:20, 1:30] 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ...
  ..- attr(*, "dimnames")=List of 2
  .. ..$ : chr [1:20] "2" "13" "4" "16" ...
  .. ..$ : chr [1:30] "Belper" "Empnig" "Junbuf" "Junart" ...
 $ : num [1:20, 1:30] 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ...
  ..- attr(*, "dimnames")=List of 2
  .. ..$ : chr [1:20] "2" "13" "4" "16" ...
  .. ..$ : chr [1:30] "Belper" "Empnig" "Junbuf" "Junart" ...
 $ : num [1:20, 1:30] 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ...
  ..- attr(*, "dimnames")=List of 2
  .. ..$ : chr [1:20] "2" "13" "4" "16" ...
  .. ..$ : chr [1:30] "Belper" "Empnig" "Junbuf" "Junart" ...



ComLoop <- list()


for(i in 1:5)
    ComLoop[i] <- rrarefy(dune, sample = 5)


于 2013-01-02T17:25:42.727 回答

user1943324, I too am attempting to rarefy then calculate invertebrate metrics such as %EPT. However I am taking a different approach and have run into stumbling blocks with limited r-programming experience.

I assume you are trying to produce the rarefied matrix many times to then count the number of EPT taxa in each rarefaction run and calculate a mean and variability.

Instead, could we alter the existing rarfy{vegan} code to allow for user defined traits (e.g. EPT or not, functional feeding group, or tolerance value) and in addition to the existing total taxa richness count averaged over multiple runs, use an IF THAN type command to average the taxa richness of each individual trait state over those runs?

There would be no need to produce multiple output matrices.

于 2013-05-22T23:03:23.977 回答