在我的 android 应用程序中,我想在列表中显示项目。为此,我正在使用 listView。因为列表项由文本(名称)和编辑文本(数量)组成,所以我使用自定义 ArraryAdapter。我使用 editText 是因为我想允许用户修改数量。当用户停止编辑时,我想存储新值,所以我在 editTexts 中添加了一个 onTextChanged 事件。
public class Foo {
final String name;
int quantity;
public Foo (String name, int quantity) {
this.name = name;
this.quantity = quantity;
// for debug message
public String toString () {
return "name: " + this.name+ " quantity: " + this.quantity;
在主要活动的 onCreate 方法中,我创建了一个 Foo 元素列表,并使用自己的 Adapter 将它们放入列表中:
public class MainActivity extends Activity {
ListView list;
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
list = (ListView) findViewById (R.id.list);
List<Foo> elements = new ArrayList<Foo> ();
elements.add(new Foo ("foo", 1));
elements.add(new Foo ("bar", 2));
elements.add(new Foo ("baz", 3));
elements.add(new Foo ("foo2", 4));
elements.add(new Foo ("bar2", 5));
elements.add(new Foo ("baz2", 6));
FooAdapter adapter = new FooAdapter (this, R.layout.foo_elements, elements);
//where foo_elements contains a horizontal LinearLayout and in it
//there's a TextView and an EditText
所以我的适配器如下(我在这里找到了持有人模式:http ://www.vogella.com/articles/AndroidListView/article.html#adapterperformance_hoder ):
public class FooAdapter extends ArrayAdapter<Foo> {
Context context;
int layoutResourceId;
List<Foo> elements;
public FooAdapter (Context context, int layoutResourceId, List<Foo> elements) {
super (context, layoutResourceId, elements);
this.context = context;
this.layoutResourceId = layoutResourceId;
this.elements = elements;
public View getView(int position, View convertView, ViewGroup parent) {
View row = convertView;
Holder holder = null;
final Foo item = elements.get(position);
if (row == null) {
LayoutInflater inflater = ((Activity)context).getLayoutInflater ();
row = inflater.inflate(layoutResourceId, parent, false);
holder = new Holder ();
holder.name = (TextView) row.findViewById (R.id.name);
holder.quantity = (EditText) row.findViewById(R.id.quantity);
holder.quantity.addTextChangedListener(new TextWatcher() {
public void onTextChanged(CharSequence s, int start, int before, int count) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
public void beforeTextChanged(CharSequence s, int start, int count, int after) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
public void afterTextChanged(Editable s) {
Log.d("textchanged", "text has changed");
Log.d ("new text", s.toString());
item.quantity = Integer.parseInt(s.toString());
else {
holder = (Holder) row.getTag();
holder.name.setText (item.name);
holder.quantity.setText (String.valueOf(item.quantity));
return row;
class Holder {
TextView name;
EditText quantity;
如您所见,我使用 TextWatcher 来监听 textchanged 事件,并且在 afterTextChanged 函数中我想将新数量设置为 Foo 对象。
我放了一些调试消息来查看那里发生了什么,并添加了一个按钮来打印 Foo 对象。启动我的应用程序后,输出是这样的:
textchanged text has changed
new text 1
textchanged text has changed
new text 2
textchanged text has changed
new text 3
textchanged text has changed
new text 4
textchanged text has changed
new text 5
textchanged text has changed
new text 6
textchanged text has changed
new text 6
textchanged text has changed
new text 2
textchanged text has changed
new text 3
textchanged text has changed
new text 4
textchanged text has changed
new text 5
textchanged text has changed
new text 6
name: foo quantity: 6 //instead of name: foo quantity: 1
name: bar quantity: 2
name: baz quantity: 3
name: foo2 quantity: 4
name: bar2 quantity: 5
name: baz2 quantity: 6
name: foo quantity: 62 //instead of name: foo quantity: 1
name: bar quantity: 2
name: baz quantity: 3
name: foo2 quantity: 4
name: bar2 quantity: 5
name: baz2 quantity: 62
我是 Android(甚至是 Java)的新手,我没有发现我的错。你有什么主意吗?为什么会有这么多 textchanged 事件?它是如何工作的?我是否错误地使用了 listView?提前致谢。