我目前正在使用 C# 开发 Windows 窗体应用程序。我想知道如何检索图像的创建日期和时间。我在网上查了解决方案,找到了对 PropertyItem 的引用,但我不明白如何使用它。
单击时如何在 MessageBox 中显示图片的创建日期和时间?
// Function to add PictureBox Controls
private void AddControls(int cNumber)
imgArray = new System.Windows.Forms.PictureBox[cNumber]; // assign number array
for (int i = 0; i < cNumber; i++)
imgArray[i] = new System.Windows.Forms.PictureBox(); // Initialize one variable
// When call this function you determine number of controls
private void ClickImage(Object sender, System.EventArgs e)
// On Click: load (ImageToShow) with (Tag) of the image
ImageToShow = ((System.Windows.Forms.PictureBox)sender).Tag.ToString();
// then view this image on the form (frmView)
PrivacyDefenderTabControl.SelectedIndex = 5;
LogsPhotosPictureBox.Image = Image.FromFile(ImageToShow);
LogsPhotosPictureBox.Left = (this.Width - LogsPhotosPictureBox.Width) / 15;
private void ImagesInFolder()
FileInfo FInfo;
// Fill the array (imgName) with all images in any folder
imgName = Directory.GetFiles(Application.StartupPath + @"\Faces");
// How many Picture files in this folder
NumOfFiles = imgName.Length;
imgExtension = new string[NumOfFiles];
for (int i = 0; i < NumOfFiles; i++)
FInfo = new FileInfo(imgName[i]);
imgExtension[i] = FInfo.Extension; // We need to know the Extension
private void ShowFolderImages()
int Xpos = 27;
int Ypos = 8;
Image img;
Image.GetThumbnailImageAbort myCallback =
new Image.GetThumbnailImageAbort(ThumbnailCallback);
MyProgress.Visible = true;
MyProgress.Minimum = 0;
MyProgress.Maximum = NumOfFiles;
MyProgress.Value = 0;
MyProgress.Step = 1;
string[] Ext = new string[] { ".GIF", ".JPG", ".BMP", ".PNG" };
for (int i = 0; i < NumOfFiles; i++)
switch (imgExtension[i].ToUpper())
case ".JPG":
case ".BMP":
case ".GIF":
case ".PNG":
img = Image.FromFile(imgName[i]); // or img = new Bitmap(imgName[i]);
imgArray[i].Image = img.GetThumbnailImage(64, 64, myCallback, IntPtr.Zero);
img = null;
if (Xpos > 360) // six images in a line
Xpos = 27; // leave eight pixels at Left
Ypos = Ypos + 72; // height of image + 8
imgArray[i].Left = Xpos;
imgArray[i].Top = Ypos;
imgArray[i].Width = 64;
imgArray[i].Height = 64;
imgArray[i].Visible = true;
// Fill the (Tag) with name and full path of image
imgArray[i].Tag = imgName[i];
imgArray[i].Click += new System.EventHandler(ClickImage);
Xpos = Xpos + 72; // width of image + 8
MyProgress.Visible = false;