我有一个由成员在这里创建的函数。它在 PHP 文件中单独工作。但是,一旦我尝试在我的 Wordpress 模板中使用它(准确地说是 single.php),它就会停止工作(无论如何它都会输出 false)。当我试图在我的模板的 single.php 中使用它时,我已经包含了原始代码和代码。将不胜感激任何帮助。谢谢。


// Normalize time to count from 0
function timeOfWeek($time) {
  if (!is_int($time)) $time = strtotime($time) ;
  $secondsInWeek = (7 * 24 * 3600);
  return (($time - strtotime('monday 00:00')) % $secondsInWeek + $secondsInWeek) % $secondsInWeek;

function isOpen($opened, $time) {
  $time = timeOfWeek($time);

  foreach ($opened as $openday) {
    list($open, $close) = $openday;

    if ($open < $close) { 
      if ($time > $open && $time < $close) return true;
    } else {
      if ($time > $open || $time < $close) return true; // Special case sunday -> monday

  return false;

$opened = array();
$opened[] = array(timeOfWeek('monday 10:00'), timeOfWeek('monday 23:00'));
$opened[] = array(timeOfWeek('tuesday 10:00'), timeOfWeek('tuesday 23:00'));
$opened[] = array(timeOfWeek('wednesday 10:00'), timeOfWeek('wednesday 23:00'));
$opened[] = array(timeOfWeek('thursday 10:00'), timeOfWeek('thursday 23:00'));
$opened[] = array(timeOfWeek('friday 10:00'), timeOfWeek('saturday 01:00'));
$opened[] = array(timeOfWeek('saturday 10:00'), timeOfWeek('sunday 01:00'));
$opened[] = array(timeOfWeek('sunday 10:00'), timeOfWeek('monday 01:00'));

$open = isOpen($opened, time());

在 single.php 中:

<?php if ( have_posts() ) while ( have_posts() ) : the_post(); ?>
    <?php if (et_get_option('lucid_integration_single_top') <> '' && et_get_option('lucid_integrate_singletop_enable') == 'on') echo (et_get_option('lucid_integration_single_top')); ?>

    <article id="post-<?php the_ID(); ?>" <?php post_class('entry clearfix'); ?>>
            $index_postinfo = et_get_option('lucid_postinfo2');
            if ( $index_postinfo ){
                echo '<p class="meta-info">';
                et_postinfo_meta( $index_postinfo, et_get_option('lucid_date_format'), esc_html__('0 comments','Lucid'), esc_html__('1 comment','Lucid'), '% ' . esc_html__('comments','Lucid') );
                echo '</p>';

            global $wp_embed;
            $thumb = '';
            $et_full_post = get_post_meta( $post->ID, '_et_full_post', true );
            $width = apply_filters('et_blog_image_width',630);
            if ( 'on' == $et_full_post ) $width = apply_filters( 'et_single_fullwidth_image_width', 960 );
            $height = apply_filters('et_blog_image_height',210);
            $classtext = '';
            $titletext = get_the_title();
            $thumbnail = get_thumbnail($width,$height,$classtext,$titletext,$titletext,false,'Singleimage');
            $thumb = $thumbnail["thumb"];

            $et_video_url = get_post_meta( $post->ID, '_et_lucid_video_url', true );
        <?php if ( '' != $thumb && 'on' == et_get_option('lucid_thumbnails') ) { ?>
            <div class="post-thumbnail">
                    if ( 'video' == get_post_format( $post->ID ) && '' != $et_video_url ){
                        $video_embed = $wp_embed->shortcode( '', $et_video_url );

                        $video_embed = preg_replace('/<embed /','<embed wmode="transparent" ',$video_embed);
                        $video_embed = preg_replace('/<\/object>/','<param name="wmode" value="transparent" /></object>',$video_embed); 
                        $video_embed = preg_replace("/height=\"[0-9]*\"/", "height=350", $video_embed);
                        $video_embed = preg_replace("/width=\"[0-9]*\"/", "width={$width}", $video_embed);

                        echo $video_embed;
                    } else {
                        print_thumbnail($thumb, $thumbnail["use_timthumb"], $titletext, $width, $height, $classtext);
            </div>  <!-- end .post-thumbnail -->
        <?php } ?>

        <div class="post_content clearfix">
            <h1 class="title"><?php the_title(); ?></h1>
// Normalize time to count from 0
function timeOfWeek($time) {
  if (!is_int($time)) $time = strtotime($time) ;
  $secondsInWeek = (7 * 24 * 3600);
  return (($time - strtotime('monday 00:00')) % $secondsInWeek + $secondsInWeek) % $secondsInWeek;

function isOpen($opened, $time) {
  $time = timeOfWeek($time);

  foreach ($opened as $openday) {
    list($open, $close) = $openday;

    if ($open < $close) { 
      if ($time > $open && $time < $close) return true;
    } else {
      if ($time > $open || $time < $close) return true; // Special case sunday -> monday

  return false;

$opened = array();
$opened[] = array(timeOfWeek('monday 10:00'), timeOfWeek('monday 23:00'));
$opened[] = array(timeOfWeek('tuesday 10:00'), timeOfWeek('tuesday 23:00'));
$opened[] = array(timeOfWeek('wednesday 10:00'), timeOfWeek('wednesday 23:00'));
$opened[] = array(timeOfWeek('thursday 10:00'), timeOfWeek('thursday 23:00'));
$opened[] = array(timeOfWeek('friday 10:00'), timeOfWeek('saturday 01:00'));
$opened[] = array(timeOfWeek('saturday 10:00'), timeOfWeek('sunday 01:00'));
$opened[] = array(timeOfWeek('sunday 10:00'), timeOfWeek('monday 01:00'));

$open = isOpen($opened, time());
            <?php the_content(); ?>
            <?php wp_link_pages(array('before' => '<p><strong>'.esc_attr__('Pages','Lucid').':</strong> ', 'after' => '</p>', 'next_or_number' => 'number')); ?>
            <?php edit_post_link(esc_attr__('Edit this page','Lucid')); ?>
        </div>  <!-- end .post_content -->
    </article> <!-- end .entry -->

    <?php if (et_get_option('lucid_integration_single_bottom') <> '' && et_get_option('lucid_integrate_singlebottom_enable') == 'on') echo(et_get_option('lucid_integration_single_bottom')); ?>

        if ( et_get_option('lucid_468_enable') == 'on' ){
            if ( et_get_option('lucid_468_adsense') <> '' ) echo( et_get_option('lucid_468_adsense') );
            else { ?>
               <a href="<?php echo esc_url(et_get_option('lucid_468_url')); ?>"><img src="<?php echo esc_url(et_get_option('lucid_468_image')); ?>" alt="468 ad" class="foursixeight" /></a>
    <?php   }    

        if ( 'on' == et_get_option('lucid_show_postcomments') ) comments_template('', true);
<?php endwhile; // end of the loop. ?>

1 回答 1


首先,您应该将函数定义移到 while 循环之外,因为一旦有超过 1 个帖子,脚本就会中断。接下来,确保您的服务器时区正确。其他一切都很好。

于 2013-01-02T03:48:19.157 回答