I'm creating a wordpress site, with which I don't have much experience. I'm using a plugin called wp-table-reloaded. I'd like to be able to edit the column width of the columns on this page: http://zangkoor.netii.net/het-koor/het-bestuur-2/. I know that the cells have classes .column-1and so on, so I know I could edit the styles for these, but what I don't get, is why the first column is much wider than the second. I've been looking at the styles using the chrome inspector, but I can't find what's causing it. Also, I'm making the site for my dad, so if I could give him an easier way to edit column widths, without fiddling with css, that'd be awesome.


1 回答 1


该插件足够智能,并且已为渐进式增强而设计。如果您开始尽可能多地为第三列添加内容,您会看到前两列的大小缩小。您现在看到的歧义是因为您在第三列中有空单元格。一旦你开始在这些单元格中填充内容,一切都应该到位。也就是说,您可以通过给出 CSS 声明 display:none; 来完全隐藏第三列。对于第 3 列,如

于 2013-01-01T19:55:07.137 回答