(Google 脚本的新手{大约 2 周},所以请详细说明)
我已经尝试了所有我能找到或想到的方法来显示联系人电子邮件地址列表的自定义标签。这非常令人沮丧。当我搜索时,我得到了很多关于 gmail 邮件标签的点击,但没有针对单个联系人中的电子邮件地址的自定义标签。
function Get_Groups_Contacts(GroupList)
var groups = ContactsApp.getContactGroups(); //get the list of groups
for (var i in groups) //for each item in the group list ...
for (var n=0; n<=15; n++) //need to setup retries since the next part sometimes has server issues
try //trap errors
var cont = groups[i].getContacts() //get the list of contacts that belong to the group
var arrCont= [] //define the temp storage
for (var j in cont) //step through each contact
//I can store a list of contact names…
arrCont.push(cont[j].getFullName() ); //get the contact's full name
// but am trying to switch to specific email address….
var eml = cont[j].getEmails(); // the list of all email address for a contact
//now the messy part, trying to figure things out
//lists the built in labels but not the custom labels
for (k in eml) Logger.log(typeof eml[k].getLabel() + "??" + eml[k].getLabel() + "--" + eml[k].getAddress());
for (k in eml)
var x = eml[k].getLabel();
Logger.log(k + " !!" + typeof x + "??" + x + "--" + eml[k].getAddress() + "**" + "hello");
// var oneeml = eml[k];
var oneeml = cont[j].getEmails("Other");
Logger.log("oneeml " + oneeml);
for (zz in oneeml) Logger.log(oneeml[zz]);
for (zz in oneeml)
if (zz == "setAsPrimary") Logger.log(zz)
else if (zz == "setDisplayName") Logger.log(zz)
else if (zz == "setAddress") Logger.log(zz)
else if (zz == "setLabel") Logger.log(zz)
else if (zz == "deleteEmailField") Logger.log(zz)
else Logger.log(oneeml[zz]())
Logger.log("inner catch");
//end of the messy part
GroupList[groups[i].getGroupName()] = arrCont //store the list in the property
break; //go on to the next group
} //end of try
catch(err) //catch the error here
// Logger.log (n + " error message" + err.message); //debug
Logger.log ("n=" + n); //debug
sleep((Math.pow(2,n) + (Math.random(0, 1000) / 100)) ); //increasing random sleep time waiting for the server
} //end of catch
finally //always do this part
cont = undefined; //cleanup
arrCont = undefined; //cleanup
} //end of error traping
} //end of retry loop
} //end for each group item
}; //end of function List_Groups_Contacts()