

boolean matchesAll(String myString, Matcher myMatcher){
    boolean matched[] = new boolean[myString.size()];
    for(myMatcher.reset(myString); myMatcher.find();)
        for(int idx = myMatcher.start(); idx < myMatcher.end(); idx++)
            matched[idx] = true;

    boolean allMatched = true;
    for(boolean charMatched : matched)
        allMatched &= charMatched;

    return allMatched



matchesAll("abcabcabc", Pattern.compile("(abc){2}").matcher()); //returns false

因为Matcher只尝试在最后一场比赛结束时开始匹配。我希望它返回 true,因为如果您在位置 3 开始匹配器,它可能会abc在匹配中包含第三个。

boolean matchesAll(String myString, Matcher myMatcher){

    boolean matched[] = new boolean[myString.size()];
    boolean allMatched = true;

    for(int idx = 0; idx < myString.size() && myMatcher.find(idx);
            idx = myMatcher.start() + 1) {

        for(int idx2 = myMatcher.start(); idx2 < myMatcher.end(); idx2++)
            matched[idx2] = true;

    boolean allMatched = true;
    for(boolean charMatched : matched)
        allMatched &= charMatched;

    return allMatched;



2 回答 2


我有 2 个答案给你,虽然我不确定我是否正确理解了这个问题。

  1. 调用 Pattern.matcher(str2match).matches() 方法而不是 find()。在一个镜头中,一个真正的返回值会告诉你整个字符串是否匹配。
  2. 在正则表达式前面加上“^”(字符串的开头),并在“Pattern.compile(str)”之前的末尾添加一个“$”(用于字符串的结尾) - 正则表达式。

这两种解决方案也可以一起使用。下面是一个示例类 - 您可以将其复制到 AllMatch.java 中,使用“javac AllMatch.java”编译它并作为“java AllMatch”运行(我假设您的 CLASSSPATH 中有“.”)。只需选择您认为更优雅的解决方案 :) 新年快乐!

import java.util.regex.Pattern;

公共类 AllMatch {

private Pattern pattern;

public AllMatch (String reStr) {
    pattern = Pattern.compile ("^" + reStr + "$");

public boolean checkMatch (String s) {
    return pattern.matcher(s).matches();

    public static void main (String[] args) {
    int n = args.length;
    String  rexp2Match = (n > 0) ? args[0] : "(abc)+",
        testString = (n > 1) ? args[1] : "abcabcabc",
        matchMaker = new AllMatch (rexp2Match)
                .checkMatch(testString) ? "" : "un";
    System.out.println ("[AllMatch] match " + matchMaker +


于 2013-01-01T17:47:59.463 回答


private static boolean fullyCovered(final String input,
    final Pattern pattern)
    // If the string is empty, check that it is matched by the pattern
    if (input.isEmpty())
        return pattern.matcher(input).find();

    final int len = input.length();
    // All initialized to false by default
    final boolean[] covered = new boolean[len];

    final Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(input);

    for (int index = 0; index < len; index++) {
        // Try and match at this index:
        if (!matcher.find(index)) {
            // if there isn't a match, check if this character is already covered;
            // if no, it's a failure
            if (!covered[index])
                return false;
            // Otherwise, continue
        // If the match starts at the string index, fill the covered array
        if (matcher.start() == index)
            setCovered(covered, index, matcher.end());

    // We have finished parsing the string: it is fully covered.
    return true;

private static void setCovered(final boolean[] covered,
    final int beginIndex, final int endIndex)
    for (int i = beginIndex; i < endIndex; i++)
        covered[i] = true;


于 2013-01-01T17:53:41.240 回答