
我开始根据本教程安装ruby​​ 和 devkit。

但是当我尝试从 ruby​​ 打开 cmd 或在该文件夹上运行命令时,我不断收到相同的错误:Ruby 解释器 (CUI) 1.9.2p180 [i386-mingw32] 已停止工作


3 回答 3


下载 ANSICON v1.53。它在 Window 8 X64 位环境中对我来说工作正常

于 2013-12-16T11:51:27.327 回答

Did you installed rvm.? May be there are some missing dependencies. There isn't much info in question, but you can do following:

1) if on ubuntu - update / install build-essential

2) Install RVM

3) type rvm requirements and look for dependencies under Ruby / Ruby Head and install them all.

4) rvm install 1.9.2-p180

Read this great article by Ryan Bigg: http://ryanbigg.com/2010/12/ubuntu-ruby-rvm-rails-and-you/

于 2013-01-01T18:43:01.727 回答

问题是我试图安装的 ansicon 来支持黄瓜

于 2013-01-20T09:38:07.130 回答