field value
- 您只想记住一个滚动元素(也许您有窗格或其他类似应用程序的显示),
- 你有
- 或者您的滚动元素不会被 angular 替换(即它在 之外
<body> <!-- doesn't scroll -->
<div snap-drawers>..</div>
<div snap-content="" history="scrollTop"> <!-- the scrolling div-->
<div ng-view>
<input name="email" history="val"> <!-- tag with value we want remembered -->
<div history="scrollLeft" history-watch="scroll" id="evenHorizontalScroll"><!--
custom value we want remembered.
NB it must have an id to be identified after angular
removes it from the DOM between views,
and since it is not a recognised default we can tell my
directive the jquery event function what to watch
我已经编写了一个 [n 不幸的是更长的] 共享范围指令来处理这些问题。
.directive('history', function($compile, $rootScope, $location) {
return {
restrict : 'A',
replace : false,
scope : false,
controller : function($scope, $timeout) {
//holds all the visited views
var states = new Object();
//the current view
var state = null;
//how many names have been generated where the element itself was used
var generated = 0;
//logs events if allowed
function debug(from) {
//comment this to watch it working
console.log('StateHistory: ' + from);
if (from == 'went')
//applies the remembered state
function apply() {
var element;
//for each item remembered in the state
for (var query in state) {
//use the element directly, otherwise search for it
(state[query].element || $(query))
//use the appropriate function
//and set the value
debug('applying:' + query + ':' + state[query].value);
//start recording what the user does from this point onward
$scope.ignore = false;
//generates a reference we can use as a map key
$scope.generateRef = function() {
return '' + (++generated);
//views changed
$scope.went = function() {
//set the current state
state = states[$location.path()];
//if we dont remember the state of the page for this view
if (!state)
//get recording!
state = states[$location.path()] = new Object();
//apply the state after other directives
//(like anchorScroll + autoscroll) have done their thing
//one of the elements we're watching has changed
$scope.changed = function(name, element, property, useObject) {
//if we're not meant to be watching right now
//i.e. if the user isnt the one changing it
if ($scope.ignore) {
//if we havent recorded anything for this here yet
if (!state[name]) {
//start recording
state[name] = {property:property};
//and remember to leave behind a reference if the name isn't
//good enough (was generated)
if (useObject)
state[name].element = element;
//use the requested function to pull the value
state[name].value = element[property]();
debug('changed:' + name + ':' + state[name].value);
//initial view
//subsequent views
$rootScope.$on('$routeChangeSuccess', $scope.went);
$rootScope.$on('$routeChangeError', $scope.went);
$rootScope.$on('$routeChangeStart', function() {
$scope.ignore = true;
link: function (scope, element, attrs) {
//jquery event function name
var watch = attrs.historyWatch;
//if not set, use these defaults
if (!watch) {
switch (attrs.history) {
case 'val':
watch = 'change';
case 'scrollTop':
watch = 'scroll';
watch = attrs.history;
//the css selector to re-find the element on view change
var query = null;
//the reference to the state remembered
var name;
//try using the id
if (attrs.id)
name = query = '#' + attrs.id;
//try using the form name
else if (attrs.name)
name = query = '[name=' + attrs.name + ']';
//otherwise we'll need to just reference the element directly
//NB should only be used for elements not swapped out by angular on view change,
//ie nothing within the view. Eg the view itself, to remember scrolling?
name = scope.generateRef();
//jquery value function name
var property = attrs.history;
//watch this element from here on out
element.on(watch, function() {
scope.changed(name, element, property, !query);