
Template.analyze.userFullName = function() {
    var u = Meteor.users.findOne({_id: this.userId}, {fields: {name: 1}});
    return u.profile.name;

Meteor.users.findOne({_id: this.userId}, {fields: {name: 1}})在控制台中使用时返回以下内容:

    _id: "79ef0e67-6611-4747-b669-45cc163cc1d8"
    profile: Object
        name: "My Name"

但是当我在上面的代码中使用它时,我得到了这个:Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'profile' of undefined



1 回答 1


The Template is being rendered immediately on pageload when the user is not available yet, which is causing an error. Thankfully since you're using the Users collection, which is reactive, you can just have it re-render when it becomes available. You do this by checking first if the object is not null:

Template.analyze.userFullName = function() {
    // use Meteor.user() since it's available
    if (Meteor.user())
      return Meteor.user().profile.name;

This way, when the user is null (during load) the Template won't throw an error. Immediately upon the data being available, the reactivity will invoke the template again, and it will render on the screen.

于 2013-01-01T00:56:37.693 回答