
我们有一个网站托管在 Windows 2008 (SP2) 上,运行 iis 7.0

我们网站上的其中一个页面在提交后会向 info@mywebdomain.com 发送一封信息性电子邮件。电子邮件将发送到运行网站的同一台服务器上的 localhost smtp 服务器。这一直工作到 12 月 10 日,现在它总是失败。

据我所知,我似乎需要从 smtp 服务器的域阻止列表中删除 mywebdomain.com。但是,我无法弄清楚如何做到这一点。据我所知,在 iis 7.0 下运行的 smtp 服务器实际上是通过 iis 6.0 管理器配置的。我展开“本地计算机”,右键单击“SMTP 虚拟服务器#1”(列表中唯一的一个)并选择属性。我没有在任何选项卡中看到任何看起来可以用来解除阻止域的内容。


mywebdomain - substituted to keep this posting hopefully anonymous; but this domain is hosted on our server and is available on the internet

mwd3.mwd.local - again substituted for anonymity; but this is effectively localhost

From: postmaster@mwd3.mwd.local
To: webadmin@mywebdomain.com
Date: Mon, 10 Dec 2012 11:29:29 -0600
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: multipart/report; report-type=delivery-status;
X-DSNContext: 7ce717b1 - 1196 - 00000002 - 00000000
Message-ID: <f69aZbLAX00000001@mwd3.mwd.local>
Subject: Delivery Status Notification (Failure)

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Delivery to the following recipients failed.


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Reporting-MTA: dns;mwd3.mwd.local
Received-From-MTA: dns;mwd3.mwd.local
Arrival-Date: Mon, 10 Dec 2012 11:29:25 -0600

Final-Recipient: rfc822;info@mywebdomain.com
Action: failed
Status: 5.5.0
Diagnostic-Code: smtp;551 Mailhost is on domain's block list (Mode: normal)

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Received: from mwd3.mwd.local ([]) by mwd3.mwd.local with Microsoft SMTPSVC(7.0.6002.18222);
     Mon, 10 Dec 2012 11:29:25 -0600
From: <webadmin@mywebdomain.com>
To: info@mywebdomain.com
Subject: Consumer Q & A
Date: Mon, 10 Dec 2012 11:29:25 -0600
Message-ID: <20121210-11292530-342c@mwd3.mwd.local>
MIME-Version: 1.0
Return-Path: webadmin@mywebdomain.com
X-OriginalArrivalTime: 10 Dec 2012 17:29:25.0305 (UTC) FILETIME=[E6549290:01CDD6FB]

The following information was submitted at 12/10/2012 11:29:25 AM from Consumer Q&A.

Body of the email

1 回答 1




我花了一段时间才弄清楚如何获取 SMTP 成绩单。

对于阅读这篇文章的其他人,我是这样做的。适应你自己的情况。我能够停止/启动虚拟 SMTP 服务器,因为客户端给了我许可,因为它无论如何都没有完成设置的目的。

再次注意,即使在运行 IIS 7 时,IIS 6 也用于管理 SMTP 服务器。

  1. 打开“Internet 信息服务 (IIS) 6.0 管理器”
  2. 我在帮助菜单中找到了启用日志记录的说明:

    To enable logging that uses an ASCII text format
    ... Select the SMTP virtual server, and then click Properties on the Action menu. 
    On the General tab, select Enable logging. 
    In the Active log format drop-down menu, select a log format. 
    Click Properties, and then on the General tab, specify the New log schedule. 
    If you select Hourly, Daily, Weekly, or Monthly, a new log file is created at those intervals. 
    If you select Unlimited file size, only a single log file is created. 
    If you select When file size reaches, you can specify the maximum size of the log file and a new log file is created when the current log file reaches that size. 
    On the General tab, under Log file directory, specify the location where the log files will be stored. 
    If you have selected the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) Extended Logging format, click the Advanced tab, and then select the extended logging options you want to track.
  3. 我将我的日志记录目标设置为一个新文件夹,以确保它不会与其他日志记录混淆。

  4. 我打开了“高级”选项卡中的每个选项。然后我停止并启动了虚拟服务器。

  5. 我使用其中一个无法正常工作的网站功能发送了一封电子邮件(请求信息)

  6. 当我试图查看日志时,它说它正在使用中。所以我停止了虚拟 SMTP 服务器,复制了日志的内容,然后再次启动了虚拟 SMTP 服务器。

实际上,我发现客户端正在使用 mxlogic.net 进行垃圾邮件过滤。当垃圾邮件通过他们的服务时,他会定期与他们联系。我怀疑当他在 12 月 10 日联系他们时,他们阻止了他的地址,而不是冒犯性的垃圾邮件发送者。但这只是猜测。

他们承认他的 IP 地址在被封锁的 IP 范围内。他们在几分钟内修复了它,现在问题已经解决。

您可以在下面的脚本中看到第一个 OutboundConnectionResponse 正在启动与 mxlogic.net 服务器的对话。最后一行是关闭与 mxlogic.net 服务器的传输通道。在这之间你可以看到几条消息,“551+Mailhost+is+on+domain's+block+list”

    #Software: Microsoft Internet Information Services 7.0
    #Version: 1.0
    #Date: 2013-01-03 17:29:41
    #Fields: date time c-ip cs-username s-sitename s-computername s-ip s-port cs-method cs-uri-stem cs-uri-query sc-status sc-

    win32-status sc-bytes cs-bytes time-taken cs-version cs-host cs(User-Agent) cs(Cookie) cs(Referer) 
    2013-01-03 17:29:41 mwd3.mwd.local SMTPSVC1 MWD3 0 HELO -         +mwd3.mwd.local 250 0 38 19 0 SMTP - - - -
    2013-01-03 17:29:41 mwd3.mwd.local SMTPSVC1 MWD3 0 MAIL -         +FROM:+<webadmin@mywebdomain.com> 250 0 45 33 0 SMTP - - - -
    2013-01-03 17:29:41 mwd3.mwd.local SMTPSVC1 MWD3 0 RCPT -         +TO:+<info@mywebdomain.com> 250 0 29 27 0 SMTP - - - -
    2013-01-03 17:29:41 mwd3.mwd.local SMTPSVC1 MWD3 0 DATA - +<20130103-11294182-2d84@mwd3.mwd.local> 250 0 123 456 63 SMTP - - - -
    2013-01-03 17:29:41 mwd3.mwd.local SMTPSVC1 MWD3 0 QUIT - mwd3.mwd.local 240 78 63 4 0 SMTP - - - -
    2013-01-03 17:29:41 OutboundConnectionResponse SMTPSVC1 MWD3 - 25 - - 220+p02c12m113.mxlogic.net+ESMTP+mxl_mta-6.16.0-0+[4d461940.13484498.00-2360];+Thu,+03+Jan+2013+10:29:41+-0700+(MST);+NO+UCE,+INBOUND 0 0 133 0 47 SMTP - - - -
    2013-01-03 17:29:41 OutboundConnectionCommand SMTPSVC1 MWD3 - 25 EHLO - mwd3.mwd.local 0 0 4 0 47 SMTP - - - -
    2013-01-03 17:29:41 OutboundConnectionResponse SMTPSVC1 MWD3 - 25 - - 250-p02c12m113.mxlogic.net 0 0 26 0 63 SMTP - - - -
    2013-01-03 17:29:41 OutboundConnectionCommand SMTPSVC1 MWD3 - 25 MAIL - FROM:<webadmin@mywebdomain.com> 0 0 4 0 63 SMTP - - - -
    2013-01-03 17:29:41 OutboundConnectionResponse SMTPSVC1 MWD3 - 25 - - 250+Sender+Ok 0 0 13 0 94 SMTP - - - -
    2013-01-03 17:29:41 OutboundConnectionCommand SMTPSVC1 MWD3 - 25 RCPT - TO:<info@mywebdomain.com> 0 0 4 0 94 SMTP - - - -
    2013-01-03 17:29:41 OutboundConnectionResponse SMTPSVC1 MWD3 - 25 - - 551+Mailhost+is+on+domain's+block+list+(Mode:+normal) 0 0 53 0 188 SMTP - - - -
    2013-01-03 17:29:41 OutboundConnectionCommand SMTPSVC1 MWD3 - 25 RSET - - 0 0 4 0 188 SMTP - - - -
    2013-01-03 17:29:41 OutboundConnectionResponse SMTPSVC1 MWD3 - 25 - - 250+Reset+Ok 0 0 12 0 219 SMTP - - - -
    2013-01-03 17:29:41 OutboundConnectionCommand SMTPSVC1 MWD3 - 25 RSET - - 0 0 4 0 266 SMTP - - - -
    2013-01-03 17:29:41 OutboundConnectionResponse SMTPSVC1 MWD3 - 25 - - 250+Reset+Ok 0 0 12 0 297 SMTP - - - -
    2013-01-03 17:29:41 OutboundConnectionCommand SMTPSVC1 MWD3 - 25 MAIL - FROM:<> 0 0 4 0 297 SMTP - - - -
    2013-01-03 17:29:41 OutboundConnectionResponse SMTPSVC1 MWD3 - 25 - - 250+Sender+Ok 0 0 13 0 312 SMTP - - - -
    2013-01-03 17:29:41 OutboundConnectionCommand SMTPSVC1 MWD3 - 25 RCPT - TO:<webadmin@mywebdomain.com> 0 0 4 0 312 SMTP - - - -
    2013-01-03 17:29:41 OutboundConnectionResponse SMTPSVC1 MWD3 - 25 - - 551+Mailhost+is+on+domain's+block+list+(Mode:+normal) 0 0 53 0 406 SMTP - - - -
    2013-01-03 17:29:41 OutboundConnectionCommand SMTPSVC1 MWD3 - 25 RSET - - 0 0 4 0 406 SMTP - - - -
    2013-01-03 17:29:41 OutboundConnectionResponse SMTPSVC1 MWD3 - 25 - - 250+Reset+Ok 0 0 12 0 422 SMTP - - - -
    2013-01-03 17:29:41 OutboundConnectionCommand SMTPSVC1 MWD3 - 25 QUIT - - 0 0 4 0 437 SMTP - - - -
    2013-01-03 17:29:41 OutboundConnectionResponse SMTPSVC1 MWD3 - 25 - - 221+p02c12m113.mxlogic.net+Service+closing+transmission+channel+[13484498.00] 0 0 77 0 453 SMTP - - - -
于 2013-01-03T18:53:22.167 回答