i have a web application with visual studio 2008 and crystal report 2008 and all thing is fine


when i installed SAP crystal report 2010 , my be it crash with CR 2008

when i run my APP i get this message Could not load file or assembly CrystalDecisions.VSDesigner Version=10.5.3700.0

i do some solutions 1 - i open web.config file and delete the row of CrystalDecisions.VSDesigner - my app run fine but reports not working

when i add this row again my app not running

please . i do alot of research about this problems but no HOPE

thanks for ur time


2 回答 2


在 Vs 2003 中,当您创建安装程序并安装时,Crystal 报表的运行时已捆绑在程序设置中,但在 vs 2005 及更高版本中,您必须安装它。我想在这里你可以找到微星



于 2012-12-31T11:39:15.010 回答

安装新版本的 Crystal Reports 很有可能会从 GAC 中清除您以前的程序集并用更新的版本替换它们。来自SAP

由于每个版本的 Crystal Reports 都有其必须正确部署的特定运行时,因此部署的运行时与项目中引用的 Visual Studio .NET 的 Crystal Reports 程序集一致至关重要。

您的错误看起来像是试图从 Crystal Reports 10.5 中查找 DLL,并且正如上面的链接所示,它不喜欢同时运行不同版本的 Crystal 报表。

于 2012-12-31T11:14:07.530 回答