我也需要移动设备上的这个功能,或者至少是 iPad。
我也需要移动设备上的这个功能,或者至少是 iPad。
下面是一个使用 UI 应用程序的示例,该应用程序反映了电子表格中的值。网格和小部件具有默认大小。基础数据假定值为 0 -3。例如,电子表格未更新 - 对于实际实现,如果需要并发更新,则需要使用锁定。这在 ipad 上按预期工作。
function doGet() {
var colours = ["white","green","blue","red"]; // background colour names referenced by offset 0,1,2,3
var app = UiApp.createApplication();
var grid = app.createFlexTable(); // the grid for ui
var ss=SpreadsheetApp.openById('your spreadsheet id here') ; // your spreadsheet
var data = ss.getSheets()[0].getDataRange().getValues(); // all the data on sheet 0 (valid values correspond to colour offset)
var handler = app.createServerHandler('myClickHandler');
// fill the grid with text widgets, all using same clickhandler, set colour according to current data value of cell, Tag carries value to server handler
for (i=0;i<data.length;i++){
for (j=0;j<data[i].length;j++){
var widget = app.createTextBox().setText(data[i][j]).addClickHandler(handler).setId("CellR"+i+"C"+j).setTag(data[i][j]).setStyleAttribute("background-color", colours[data[i][j]]);
grid.setWidget(i, j, widget);
return app;
// need to update the spreadsheet to match tag values before closing app!
function myClickHandler(e) {
var colours = ["white","green","blue","red"];
var app = UiApp.getActiveApplication();
var colourvalue = parseInt(e.parameter[e.parameter.source+"_tag"] )+ 1; // gets the current tag value of clicked widget and increments it
if (colourvalue > 3) {
colourvalue = 0; // reset at 4
// update the widget
app.getElementById(e.parameter.source).setStyleAttribute("background-color", colours[colourvalue]).setText(colourvalue).setTag(colourvalue);
return app;