在过去的几天里,我一直在尝试找到一种方法来计算两个节点之间的所有非循环路径。我一直在使用广度优先搜索和深度优先搜索。我相当肯定两者都可以完成这项任务。但是,我一直在努力研究如何调整下面的 DFS 代码以找到两个节点之间的所有可能路径。我尝试了一些不同的事情(记住数组中的节点,递归),但我没有正确实现它们并且无法输出可能的路径。


function init(&$visited, &$graph){
  foreach ($graph as $key => $vertex) {
    $visited[$key] = 0;

/* DFS args
$graph = Node x Node sociomatrix
$start = starting node
$end = target node (currently not used)
$visited = list of visited nodes
$list = hold keys' corresponding node values, for printing path;

function depth_first(&$graph, $start, $end, $visited, $list){

  // create an empty stack
  $s = array();

  // put the starting node on the stack
  array_push($s, $start);

  // note that we visited the start node
  $visited[$start] = 1;

  // do the following while there are items on the stack
  while (count($s)) {

    // remove the last item from the stack
    $t = array_pop($s);

    // move through all connections
    foreach ($graph[$t] as $key => $vertex) {

      // if node hasn't been visited and there's a connection
      if (!$visited[$key] && $vertex == 1) {

        // note that we visited this node
        $visited[$key] = 1;

        // push key onto stack
        array_push($s, $key);

        // print the node we're at              
        echo $list[$key];                   

// example usage
$visited = array();
$visited = init($visited, $sym_sociomatrix);
breadth_first($sym_sociomatrix, 1, 3, $visited, $list);

1 回答 1


假设您有一个框架/库来创建图形数据结构并遍历它,如果您得到一个循环,您可以进行回溯深度优先搜索并提前返回。如果存储起始节点的路径,则循环检测很容易。在 C 风格的伪代码中(抱歉不知道 PHP,或者它是否能够递归):

void DFS(Vertex current, Vertex goal, List<Vertex> path) {
  // avoid cycles
  if (contains(path, current)

  // got it!
  if (current == goal)) {

  // keep looking
  children = successors(current); // optionally sorted from low to high cost
  for(child: children)          
      DFS(child, add_path(path, child));      

然后你可以把它称为DFS(start, goal, List<Vertex>(empty))

于 2013-01-24T21:58:52.247 回答