所以我想我已经接近了,但我碰壁了。这就是我想要完成的事情:我有一个计算点击次数的程序,只要值更新,就会将串行数据发送到 Arduino (UNO)。
到目前为止,我有以下工作: - 在 LED 显示屏上滚动选框(来自 Freetronics - http://www.freetronics.com/products/dot-matrix-display-32x16-red#.UOBeKInjmdM) - 编写新的 Python 脚本通过串行(使用 PySerial)向 Arduino 发送数据 - 并且 Arduino 正确接收串行监视器中的数据...
所以我的问题是我无法将它写入 LED 显示屏,请帮助!
import serial
import argparse
myserial = serial.Serial('/dev/tty.usbmodemfd121', 9600)
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Example with non-optional arguments')
parser.add_argument('count', action="store", type=str)
results = parser.parse_args()
count = results.count
message = "total clicks: " + count
print message
示例:$ python app.py 200
这将向 Arduino 发送“总点击次数:200”
这是我的 Arduino 草图:
Scrolling text demonstration sketch for Freetronics DMD.
See http://www.freetronics.com/dmd for resources and a getting started guide.
Note that the DMD library uses the SPI port for the fastest, low overhead writing to the
display. Keep an eye on conflicts if there are any other devices running from the same
SPI port, and that the chip select on those devices is correctly set to be inactive
when the DMD is being written to.
// you always need the code from here...........
#include <DMD.h> // for DMD
#include <SPI.h> // SPI.h must be included as DMD is written by SPI (the IDE complains otherwise)
#include <TimerOne.h>
#include "SystemFont5x7.h"
#include "Arial_black_16.h"
#include "Arial_14.h"
#define DISPLAYS_ACROSS 1 // change to 2 for two screens, etc.
DMD dmd(DISPLAYS_ACROSS, DISPLAYS_DOWN); // creates instance of DMD to refer to in sketch
char message[] = "test string to be updated";
char serIn; //var that will hold the bytes in read from the serialBuffer
void ScanDMD() // necessary interrupt handler for refresh scanning of DMD
void setup()
//initialize TimerOne's interrupt/CPU usage used to scan and refresh the display
Timer1.initialize( 5000 ); //period in microseconds to call ScanDMD. Anything longer than 5000 (5ms) and you can see flicker.
Timer1.attachInterrupt( ScanDMD ); //attach the Timer1 interrupt to ScanDMD which goes to dmd.scanDisplayBySPI()
dmd.clearScreen( true ); //true is normal (all pixels off), false is negative (all pixels on)
void loop()
// only if there are bytes in the serial buffer execute the following code
if(Serial.available()) {
//keep reading and printing from serial untill there are bytes in the serial buffer
while (Serial.available()>0){
serIn = Serial.read(); //read Serial
Serial.write( byte(serIn));
//the serial buffer is over just go to the line (or pass your favorite stop char)
// Now I want to write the Serial message ti the DMD Disply
// the text in the quotes in the next line will be scrolled across the display(s).
// message writes the TEST message above, but I want it to write serIn variable (serial data)
// THIS IS WHAT I WANT, but I get this error "invalid conversion from 'char' to 'const char*'"
long start=millis();
long timer=start;
boolean ret=false;
if ((timer+30) < millis()) {
将第一个参数作为字符串,而且我对 C++ 一无所知,所以我认为我搞砸了数据类型。