我编写了一个 AS2 代码来开发某个应用程序。

当我的代码超过 2352 行时,swf 不会编译,也不会给我任何错误。我检查了任何语法错误,但没有。

为 as2 编译器编写的行数是否有特定限制?请告诉我。


1 回答 1


Hm, I don't think so. To be sure, I wrote a script to generate some random AS2 code (makes random variables, random loops, if statements, methods + calls, objects, and trace statements). The result was an .as file that was over 13,000 lines long which ran with no problems under AS2 inside the flash cs5 ide.

于 2012-12-30T12:25:25.393 回答