下面的代码不是很详细。只是为了向您展示今天您已经有方法,例如当某些事件发生时由 Ruby 调用的钩子,来检查将使用/不使用哪个方法(来自包含类或包含的模块)。
module Inject
def self.append_features(p_host) # don't use included, it's too late
puts "#{self} included into #{p_host}"
methods_of_this_module = self.instance_methods(false).sort
print "methods of #{self} : "; p methods_of_this_module
first_letter = []
methods_of_this_module.each do |m|
first_letter << m[0, 2]
print 'selection to reduce the display : '; p first_letter
methods_of_host_class = p_host.instance_methods(true).sort
subset = methods_of_host_class.select { |m| m if first_letter.include?(m[0, 2]) }
print "methods of #{p_host} we are interested in: "; p subset
methods_of_this_module.each do |m|
puts "#{self.name}##{m} will not be used" if methods_of_host_class.include? m
super # <-- don't forget it !
像你的帖子一样休息。执行 :
$ ruby -v
ruby 1.8.6 (2010-09-02 patchlevel 420) [i686-darwin12.2.0]
$ ruby -w tinject.rb
Inject included into Array
methods of Inject : ["inject", "product", "sum"]
selection to reduce the display : ["in", "pr", "su"]
methods of Array we are interested in: ["include?", "index",
..., "inject", "insert", ..., "instance_variables", "private_methods", "protected_methods"]
Inject#inject will not be used
$ rvm use 1.9.2
$ ruby -v
ruby 1.9.2p320 (2012-04-20 revision 35421) [x86_64-darwin12.2.0]
$ ruby -w tinject.rb
Inject included into Array
methods of Inject : [:inject, :product, :sum]
selection to reduce the display : ["in", "pr", "su"]
methods of Array we are interested in: [:include?, :index, ..., :inject, :insert,
..., :private_methods, :product, :protected_methods]
Inject#inject will not be used
Inject#product will not be used