我有以下 execSQL 引发语法错误并导致我的应用程序崩溃。考虑到我已经转义了单引号和双引号,我不知道为什么。
database.execSQL("insert into " + TABLE_EXERCISES + " (" + COLUMN_NAME + ", " + COLUMN_PRIMARY_MUSCLE + ", " + COLUMN_SECONDARY_MUSCLE + ", " + COLUMN_EQUIPMENT_TYPE + ", " + COLUMN_STEPS + ", " + COLUMN_IMAGES + ") values ('Cable Shrugs', 'Traps', 'None', 'Cable', 'Attach a flat shoulder width bar to the lowest cable pulley. Stand with your feet shoulder width apart. Keep your abs tight and a slight bend in your knees to protect your lower back. Starting with the bar at waist height, raise your shoulders toward your ears as if you\'re saying,\"I don\'t know.\" Hold briefly at the top of the contraction then lower in a slow and controlled manner.', 'cable-shrugs-1.png|cable-shrugs-2.png')");
12-29 23:31:54.174: E/AndroidRuntime(1207): java.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to start activity ComponentInfo{com.gauvion.gfit/com.gauvion.gfit.RoutinesActivity}: android.database.sqlite.SQLiteException: near "re": syntax error (code 1): , while compiling: insert into exercises(name, primary_muscle, secondary_muscle, equipment_type, steps, images) VALUES ('Cable Shrugs', 'Traps', 'None', 'Cable', 'Attach a flat shoulder width bar to the lowest cable pulley. Stand with your feet shoulder width apart. Keep your abs tight and a slight bend in your knees to protect your lower back. Starting with the bar at waist height, raise your shoulders toward your ears as if you're saying,"I don't know." Hold briefly at the top of the contraction then lower in a slow and controlled manner.', 'cable-shrugs-1.png|cable-shrugs-2.png')