我正在使用 Lincoln Stein 的优秀Network Programming With Perl书中的一些习语来编写服务器。对于在 fork 之前声明并在之后引用的变量,我似乎得到了奇怪的行为。
这是一个说明问题的完整程序。(我为它没有被更多地精简而道歉;当我把所有我认为不相关的东西都删掉时,问题就消失了。)如果你寻找,##### MYSTERY #####
你会看到声明的两个版本my $pid
将子 PID 分配给 $pid 之后,我尝试将其写入 PID 文件,然后验证它是否有效。根据我使用的声明方法,它要么成功,要么失败。我不明白!
# Prototype contactd master server
use warnings;
use strict;
use Carp;
use Getopt::Std;
use File::Basename;
use IO::Socket;
use IO::File;
use Net::hostent; # for OO version of gethostbyaddr
use POSIX qw{WNOHANG setsid};
use Data::Dumper;
#use 5.010;
sub say { print "@_\n"; }
my $program = basename $0;
my $default_config = "$program.config";
$| = 1; # flush STDOUT buffer regularly
my %opts;
my $config_file = $opts{c} || $default_config;
# Process the config file to obtain default settings
# Note: for now we'll hard code config values into the config hash.
my %config;
$config{PORT} = 2000;
$config{DAEMONIZE} = 0;
$config{VERBOSE} = 0;
$config{LOGDIR} = "/mxhome/charrison/private/wdi/logs";
$config{PIDFILE} = "/var/tmp/$program.pid";
# Process command line args to override default settings
my $server_port = $opts{p} || $config{PORT};
my $log_dir = $opts{l} || $config{LOGDIR};
my $verbose = !!( exists $opts{v} || $config{VERBOSE} );
my $daemonize = !!( exists $opts{d} || $config{DAEMONIZE} );
my $pid_file = $opts{P} || $config{PIDFILE};
# Set up signal handlers
# Caution: these call the logging manager servlog(), which has not yet been
# spawned.
# Set up a child-reaping subroutine for SIGCHLD
$SIG{CHLD} = sub {
local ( $!, $^E, $@ );
while ( ( my $kid = waitpid( -1, WNOHANG ) ) > 0 ) {
# Set up a signal handler for interrupts
my $quit = 0;
$SIG{INT} = sub {
# Set up signal handler for pipe errors
$SIG{PIPE} = sub {
local ( $!, $^E, $@ );
my $pid_fh = open_pid_file($pid_file);
##### MYSTERY #####
my $pid; # this makes it work
# my $pid = $$; # this breaks it!
$daemonize = 1; # inserted here for demo
if ($daemonize) {
say "Becoming a daemon and detaching from your terminal. Bye!";
$pid = become_daemon(); # update w/new pid
say "Here is pid: $pid. Going to write it to $pid_file and close.";
# If we daemonized, then we are now executing with a different PID
# And in that case, the following fails silently!!
print $pid_fh $pid; # store our PID in known location in filesystem
close $pid_fh;
say "Boo boo" if !-e $pid_file;
say qx{cat $pid_file};
##### END OF DEMO #####
# open_pid_file()
# Courtesy of Network Programming with Perl, by Lincoln D. Stein
sub open_pid_file {
my $file = shift;
if ( -e $file ) { # PID file already exists
my $fh = IO::File->new($file) || return;
my $pid = <$fh>; # so read it and probe for the process
croak "Server already running with PID $pid\n" # die ...
if kill 0 => $pid; # if it responds
warn "Removing PID file for defunct server process $pid.";
croak "Can't unlink PID file $file" # die ...
unless -w $file && unlink $file; # if can't unlink
return IO::File->new( $file, O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | O_EXCL, 0644 )
or die "Can't create PID file $file: $!\n";
# become_daemon()
# Courtesy of Network Programming with Perl, by Lincoln D. Stein
sub become_daemon {
die "Can't fork" unless defined( my $child = fork );
exit 0 if $child != 0; # die here if parent
setsid(); # Become session leader
open( STDIN, "</dev/null" );
# servlog() writes to STDOUT which is being piped to log manager
#open( STDOUT, ">/dev/null" );
open( STDERR, ">&STDOUT" );
chdir '/'; # go to root directory
umask(0); # ??
$ENV{PATH} = '/bin:/sbin:/use/bin:/usr/sbin';
return $$;
unlink $pid_file if $pid == $$; # only the daemon unlinks pid file