I am reading the book Java Concurrecny in practice. On page 85 section 5.2.1 it talks about the ConcurrentHashMap and its advantages. However, in one part, the books claims that

the iterators returned by ConcurrentHashMap is weakly consistent. This means that this iterator can tolerate concurrent modification, traverses elements as they existed when iterator was constructed, and may (but not guaranteed to) reflect modifications to the collection after the construction of the iterator.

From why I understand the whole point of synchronization in concurrent programs is to allow thread accessing a shared resource in a consistent way, where as ConcurrentHashMap is not really fulfilling this. Then why using it at all?


3 回答 3


The point is to avoid synchronization when you don't need it. If you don't mind seeing new elements in some cases and not seeing them in others, using ConcurrentHashMap's iterator can be significantly cheaper than either preventing other threads from adding items while you're iterating or taking a consistent snapshot when the iterator is created.

So yes, when you need synchronization and a consistent iterator, you'll need an alternative - but when you don't, you can take advantage of the more efficient iterator provided by ConcurrentHashMap.

于 2012-12-29T17:25:00.927 回答

ConcurrentHashMap is supposed to be thread-safe, by contract. However, it is not supposed to be consistent across threads.

When you iterate over a ConcurrentHashMap, the iterator grabs a copy of the hash map at the moment you asked for it (and this copy is made in a thread-safe manner) and you iterate over that copy. And yes, nothing guarantees you that while you are iterating over that copy, some map entries won't be removed. But the map entries which would be removed in such a manner woud still exist in your iterator.

于 2012-12-29T17:28:06.007 回答

Everything depends on how strong consistency you need. If you need strong one - than mutexes or other subset of operations would provide what you need.

However sometimes you need much weaker requirements but for example you need say lock-free property as you need to guarantee the throughput. On the other hand you may not need iterators at all or have much weaker restrictions on them.

So if all you need is map shared across threads ConcurrentHashMap (say place in theatre to person booking it) would provide what you need - and it may be much faster if you have many working threads as you avoid mutex synchronization. On the other hand the speed comes at a cost - the view provided by iterator does not necessary corresponds to state of collection at it's creation and it might miss some elements created afterwords (in general in multiprocessor systems happens-before relationship is tricky).

Edit: As Prince John Wesley pointed out I thought about ConcurrentSkipListMap while seeing and writing. ConcurrentHashMap. Most of the points still stand except the parts about being lock-free (as well as everything that comes from it like guaranteed throughput etc.).

于 2012-12-29T17:30:14.877 回答