I need to show two URLs into a JSP, but I want to pass some init parameters to the JSP page for doing this.

So, this is my web.xml :

<web-app ... >

In the index.jsp, I wrote the following code:

    // This is only a test code. Obviously, it doesn't show the URLs
      java.util.Enumeration e = getServletConfig().getInitParameterNames();
      while( e.hasMoreElements() ) {
          out.println( e.nextElement() + "<br>");

But when I run the jsp, this show some initParameters that I don't need. By example: logVerbosityLevel
p2 ----------- > This is the parameter that I need

p1 ----------- > This is other parameter that I need

My questions is: Why the JSP file are using all this parameters?
Note: I'm using Glassfish.


1 回答 1


Those are the initialization parameters of the container-builtin JspServlet class who's responsible for serving JSP files. In case of Glassfish, you can find it in config/default-web.xml file of the domain. It's the servlet entry of org.apache.jasper.servlet.JspServlet (note, you should not modify it unless you really understand what you're doing).

于 2012-12-29T18:15:48.103 回答