我已经搜索并找不到关于 T_PRINT 语法错误的任何内容。所以就这样吧,我不明白这是“意外”。它指的是打印“您的员工申请已发布”等行。
include "globals.php";
$db->query("INSERT INTO staffapps VALUES('',$userid,'{$_POST['pos']}','{$_POST['app']}')", $c)
or die
("Your staff application could not be processed. Make sure you have filled out the form completely!");
print "Your Staff Application has been posted for our staff to review, your results will be decided within 14 days! Good Luck!";
print "<h3>Staff Application</h3>
<center><h8><b>Please read the <a href='stafftoc.php'><font color='yellow'>Terms & Conditions</font></a>before sending an application!</b>
<form action='staffapps.php' method='post'>
Position <select name='pos'><option value='3'>Admin</option><option value='5'>Secretary</option><option value='6'>Assistant</option></select>
Why do you deserve the position?
Please bare in mind that staff look for professional members so be sure to spell correctly with the right grammar and punctuation!
If your staff application appears un-professional, it will be dismissed!
<textarea rows='7' cols='40' name='app'>{$_GET['app']}</textarea>
<input type='submit' value='Submit Application' /></form>";