I have a table that I need to use to build a result set from where certain rows from the table are columns in the result set. I started to chain LEFT JOIN
s together on the table multiple times but I need to eliminate results that are a different combination of another result already in the set:
For example, if I get 1, 21, 25 as result columns, I can't have ANY other combination of those numbers in the results.
My table definition is:
Table tblKPIDetails
Column Month int
Column Year int
Column Division varchar(3)
Column KPI int
Column Value decimal(18,4)
My current query is:
FROM tblKPIDetails J1
LEFT JOIN tblKPIDetails J2 ON J2.Month = J1.Month AND J2.Year = J1.Year AND J2.Division = J1.Division AND NOT(J2.KPI = J1.KPI ) AND (J2.KPI = 1 OR J2.KPI = 21 OR J2.KPI = 25)
LEFT JOIN tblKPIDetails J3 ON J3.Month = J1.Month AND J3.Year = J1.Year AND J3.Division = J1.Division AND NOT(J3.KPI = J1.KPI ) AND (J3.KPI = 1 OR J3.KPI = 21 OR J3.KPI = 25)
WHERE J1.KPI = 1 OR J1.KPI = 21 OR J1.KPI = 25
I know this is wrong, but it's a super-set of what I need. In the results from the query above, I can get J1.KPI, J2.KPI, J3.KPI or J1.KPI, J3.KPI, J2.KPI, or any other combination.
My expected result would be:
Division | Month | Year | KPIA | KPIAValue | KPIB | KPIBValue | KPIC | KPICValue
for each division, month, and year
where KPIA, KPIB, or KPIC = 1, 21, or 25 but only 1 combination of 1,21,25 exists per division|month|year
To clarify the expected results a little more, using the above query, I'm getting the following results:
Division | Month | Year | KPIA | KPIAValue | KPIB | KPIBValue | KPIC | KPICValue
000 1 2012 1 1000 21 2000 25 3000
000 1 2012 21 2000 1 1000 25 3000
000 1 2012 25 3000 21 2000 1 1000
111 1 2012 1 555 21 10000 25 5000
I need to make it so my results would only be ANY 1 of the first 3 results and then the last one...for example:
Division | Month | Year | KPIA | KPIAValue | KPIB | KPIBValue | KPIC | KPICValue
000 1 2012 25 3000 21 2000 1 1000
111 1 2012 1 555 21 10000 25 5000