我想在 Yesod 中创建一个自定义字段,它是一个带有双精度 JSON 数组的文本字段。但是我不断收到类型错误。我目前的尝试是:
doubleListField :: RenderMessage master FormMessage => Field sub master [Double]
doubleListField = Field
{ fieldParse = parseHelper $ Right . decodeUtf8 . parse json
, fieldView = \theId name attrs val isReq -> toWidget [hamlet|
$newline never
<input id="#{theId}" name="#{name}" *{attrs} type="number" :isReq:required="" value="Hey">
(找到正确的空格:https ://gist.github.com/4394850 )
Couldn't match expected type `Data.ByteString.Internal.ByteString'
with actual type `[Text]
-> m0 (Either (SomeMessage master0) (Maybe Text))'
In the second argument of `($)', namely `parseHelper $ Right'
In the `fieldParse' field of a record
In the expression:
{fieldParse = parse json $ parseHelper $ Right,
fieldView = \ theId name attrs val isReq
-> toWidget (\ _render_a5Cg -> ...)}
fieldView 我会修改,我知道该怎么做,但我对 fieldParse 的外观感到困惑。谢谢!