I'm adding a series of buttons to a page with d3js to form a control panel. Within each button I'd like to iterate over some child elements to form an unordered list within the button (longer term this will turn into a drop down with styling and other chicanery).

The code example below is clearly wrong. One doesn't simply walk into mordor, nor do they simply drop a for loop in the middle of an append. I just can't flip my brain over to remember how to get this done. drilldownValues is an array containing all the elements I'd like to add as list items. I feel like I'm an .each or something away from a eureka moment, but can't make it fit.

In short, the following is wrong, how do I make it right?

    .each(function(d,i) {
        var drilldownValues = d.drilldown;
                for (var k = 0; k < drilldownValues.length; k++)

1 回答 1


代替循环,使用 d3 的选择。类似的东西

  .append('li').text(function(d) { return d; })
于 2012-12-28T18:12:51.500 回答