将 NuGet ndef 库添加到 windows phone 8 项目

尝试安装 WPtoolkit 时出现以下错误...

PM> Install-Package WPtoolkit
Successfully installed 'WPtoolkit 4.2012.10.30'.
Successfully uninstalled 'WPtoolkit 4.2012.10.30'.
Install failed. Rolling back...
Install-Package : Could not install package 'WPtoolkit 4.2012.10.30'. You are trying to install this package into a project that targets 'WindowsPhone,Version=v8.0', but the packag
e does not contain any assembly references that are compatible with that framework. For more information, contact the package author.
At line:1 char:1

有什么我想念的吗?NuGet 也已更新到最新版本...


1 回答 1




Q - 我有 WP8 SDK 并且我安装了 NuGet 包,它仍在安装 7.1 版本的工具包程序集,或者我收到错误消息 - “您正在尝试将此包安装到针对 'WindowsPhone,Version=v8 的项目中.0',但包不包含任何与该框架兼容的程序集引用。”</p>

A – You have an older version of NuGet. 
Install the latest NuGet from www.NuGet.org . Close and restart all the 
instances of Visual Studio. 
Now install the package. It will install correctly. 
WP8 projects are supported from Nuget 2.1 onwards.

之后转到 xaml 页面类型

于 2012-12-28T19:30:25.967 回答