我下载了最新的 p4 工具,但它缺少reconcile命令:

$ p4 -V
Perforce - The Fast Software Configuration Management System.
Copyright 1995-2012 Perforce Software.  All rights reserved.
This product includes software developed by the OpenSSL Project
for use in the OpenSSL Toolkit (http://www.openssl.org/)
See 'p4 help legal' for full OpenSSL license information
Version of OpenSSL Libraries: OpenSSL 1.0.1c 10 May 2012
Rev. P4/LINUX26X86_64/2012.2/536738 (2012/10/16).


$ p4 help commands
Perforce client commands:

add         Open a new file to add it to the depot
admin       Perform administrative operations on the server
annotate    Print file lines along with their revisions
archive     Archive obsolete revisions to archive depots.
pull        Cause satellite to pull journal or file data from master
rename      Explains how to rename files
reopen      Change the type or changelist number of an opened file
replicate   Poll for journal changes and apply to another server
resolve     Merge open files with other revisions or files
resolved    Show files that have been merged but not submitted
restore     Restore archived revisions to their original location.
revert      Discard changes from an opened file
review      List and track changelists (for the review daemon)
reviews     Show what users are subscribed to review files
set         Set variables in the registry (Windows only)
shelve      Store files from a pending changelist into the depot
sizes       Display size information for files in the depot
submit      Submit open files to the depot
sync        Synchronize the client with its view of the depot
tag         Tag files with a label
tickets     Display list of session tickets for this user
workspaces  Display list of known clients
where       Show how file names map through the client view


从我的角度来看 - 协调命令应该完全是客户端的,所以它不应该依赖于服务器版本。还是我错了?缺少这些命令的原因是什么?

编辑:在 P4V 客户端中,我可以运行类似的命令Reconcile offline work,它可以在我们的服务器上运行。


2 回答 2


一些 Perforce 功能只需要更新的服务器;有些需要更新的客户端;有些需要两者。此处的发行说明中描述了每个新功能的要求:


发行说明使用编码机制,其中新功能用 1、2 或 3 个星号标记。如发行说明中所述:

* -- requires new p4 client program    
** -- requires new p4d server program    
*** -- requires new p4p proxy program


#367753 (Bug #68, #889, #989) ** *
    A new command 'p4 reconcile' allows users to reconcile client
    with offline work. The command ...

请注意,此行末尾显示“** *”;即,需要一个新的客户端一个新的服务器。注释前面的 367753 表示服务器和客户端都必须是 367753 或更高版本。

因此,您可以根据特定的 Perforce 功能判断您是否需要新客户端或新服务器,或两者兼而有之。

于 2012-12-28T16:28:13.897 回答

那是因为你的 P4 版本太旧了。reconcile在 2012 版本中引入。


我相信您需要服务器和客户端来支持新功能-我可能是错的,但是由于您有更高版本的客户端,并且我经历过类似的“这应该只是客户端的事情”,需要服务器支持它也是如此(我使用 perforce 已经 4 年了,如果我不记得究竟是哪个功能不起作用,请原谅,因为尽管客户端支持它,但服务器没有)

于 2012-12-28T10:07:38.260 回答