; 您可以直接从元组类型构造元组。但这也没有命令施工;我在这里所做的是构造元组的每个组件,然后构建一个对组件的引用的元组。如果组件易于移动或复制,引用元组可以轻松转换为所需类型的元组。
这是稍微修改的解决方案(来自评论中的 lws 链接),并进行了一些解释。这个版本只处理类型不同的元组,但更容易理解;下面还有另一个版本可以正确执行。和原来的一样,元组组件都被赋予了相同的构造函数参数,但改变它只需要...
在用// Note: ...
#include <tuple>
#include <type_traits>
template<typename...T> struct ConstructTuple {
// For convenience, the resulting tuple type
using type = std::tuple<T...>;
// And the tuple of references type
using ref_type = std::tuple<T&...>;
// Wrap each component in a struct which will be used to construct the component
// and hold its value.
template<typename U> struct Wrapper {
U value;
template<typename Arg>
Wrapper(Arg&& arg)
: value(std::forward<Arg>(arg)) {
// The implementation class derives from all of the Wrappers.
// C++ guarantees that base classes are constructed in order, and
// Wrappers are listed in the specified order because parameter packs don't
// reorder.
struct Impl : Wrapper<T>... {
template<typename Arg> Impl(Arg&& arg) // Note ...Arg, ...arg
: Wrapper<T>(std::forward<Arg>(arg))... {}
template<typename Arg> ConstructTuple(Arg&& arg) // Note ...Arg, ...arg
: impl(std::forward<Arg>(arg)), // Note ...
value((static_cast<Wrapper<T>&>(impl)).value...) {
operator type() const { return value; }
ref_type operator()() const { return value; }
Impl impl;
ref_type value;
// Finally, a convenience alias in case we want to give `ConstructTuple`
// a tuple type instead of a list of types:
template<typename Tuple> struct ConstructFromTupleHelper;
template<typename...T> struct ConstructFromTupleHelper<std::tuple<T...>> {
using type = ConstructTuple<T...>;
template<typename Tuple>
using ConstructFromTuple = typename ConstructFromTupleHelper<Tuple>::type;
#include <iostream>
// Three classes with constructors
struct Hello { char n; Hello(decltype(n) n) : n(n) { std::cout << "Hello, "; }; };
struct World { double n; World(decltype(n) n) : n(n) { std::cout << "world"; }; };
struct Bang { int n; Bang(decltype(n) n) : n(n) { std::cout << "!\n"; }; };
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& out, const Hello& g) { return out << g.n; }
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& out, const World& g) { return out << g.n; }
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& out, const Bang& g) { return out << g.n; }
using std::get;
using Greeting = std::tuple<Hello, World, Bang>;
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& out, const Greeting &n) {
return out << get<0>(n) << ' ' << get<1>(n) << ' ' << get<2>(n);
int main() {
// Constructors run in order
Greeting greet = ConstructFromTuple<Greeting>(33.14159);
// Now show the result
std::cout << greet << std::endl;
return 0;
在liveworkspace上查看它的实际效果。验证它在 clang 和 gcc 中的构造顺序是否相同(libc++ 的元组实现以与 stdlibc++ 相反的顺序保存元组组件,所以我猜这是一个合理的测试。)
为每个组件的唯一结构。最简单的方法是添加第二个模板参数,它是一个顺序索引(libc++ 和 libstdc++ 在它们的元组实现中都这样做;这是一种标准技术)。让“索引”实现来做这件事会很方便,但为了说明目的,我刚刚做了一个快速而肮脏的递归:
#include <tuple>
#include <type_traits>
template<typename T, int I> struct Item {
using type = T;
static const int value = I;
template<typename...TI> struct ConstructTupleI;
template<typename...T, int...I> struct ConstructTupleI<Item<T, I>...> {
using type = std::tuple<T...>;
using ref_type = std::tuple<T&...>;
// I is just to distinguish different wrappers from each other
template<typename U, int J> struct Wrapper {
U value;
template<typename Arg>
Wrapper(Arg&& arg)
: value(std::forward<Arg>(arg)) {
struct Impl : Wrapper<T, I>... {
template<typename Arg> Impl(Arg&& arg)
: Wrapper<T, I>(std::forward<Arg>(arg))... {}
template<typename Arg> ConstructTupleI(Arg&& arg)
: impl(std::forward<Arg>(arg)),
value((static_cast<Wrapper<T, I>&>(impl)).value...) {
operator type() const { return value; }
ref_type operator()() const { return value; }
Impl impl;
ref_type value;
template<typename...T> struct List{};
template<typename L, typename...T> struct WrapNum;
template<typename...TI> struct WrapNum<List<TI...>> {
using type = ConstructTupleI<TI...>;
template<typename...TI, typename T, typename...Rest>
struct WrapNum<List<TI...>, T, Rest...>
: WrapNum<List<TI..., Item<T, sizeof...(TI)>>, Rest...> {
// Use WrapNum to make ConstructTupleI from ConstructTuple
template<typename...T> using ConstructTuple = typename WrapNum<List<>, T...>::type;
// Finally, a convenience alias in case we want to give `ConstructTuple`
// a tuple type instead of a list of types:
template<typename Tuple> struct ConstructFromTupleHelper;
template<typename...T> struct ConstructFromTupleHelper<std::tuple<T...>> {
using type = ConstructTuple<T...>;
template<typename Tuple>
using ConstructFromTuple = typename ConstructFromTupleHelper<Tuple>::type;