我正在使用 AndroidBackupManager来备份一些数据。在 Android文档 中,它说调用该 dataChanged()方法,但将来会被调用,尽管它从未发生过。我只能使用 bgmr 工具,并且备份或恢复不会以编程方式发生。有什么原因吗?通常需要多长时间?


1 回答 1


It will generally backup things in batches, but you cannot control it from your app. You can see the queue with the provided command line tools, if your apps is queued for backup, you shouldn't need to do anything more.

It does work, so it might be a problem with your device or lack of connectivity. Does it work in another device?

于 2012-12-27T08:31:02.283 回答